The many-sided interests of Ruth May Strang over her 40 years at Columbia University and the University of Arizona earned international respect for her achievements in the fields of student guidance, reading and communication, child study, mental health, and development and adjustment. Source:
Note: The portrait image is provided courtesy of the Gottesman Libraries at Teachers College, Columbia University.
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Books and reading, Reading, Children, Children with mental disabilities, Educational counseling, Slow learning children, Adolescence, Adolescent psychology, Best books, Bibliography, Books & Reading, Books for Slow learning children, Care and hygiene, Child Behavior, Child Psychology, Child care, Child development, Child rearing, Child study, Children with mental disabilit, Children's literature, Counseling in higher education, Desenvolvimento Da Crianca (Psicologia), Didaktik, EducationID Numbers
- OLID: OL1744455A
- ISNI: 0000000108945269
- VIAF: 45542871
- Wikidata: Q20715046
- wd:Q20715046
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September 27, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | add ISNI |
March 31, 2017 | Edited by MARC Bot | add VIAF and wikidata ID |
June 27, 2015 | Edited by Hemanth Kumar | Bio, Dob, Dod, and author photo |
June 27, 2015 | Edited by Hemanth Kumar | Added new photo |
April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | initial import |