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September 30, 2020 | History

Matthias Flacius Illyricus

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Croatian theologian (1520–1575)

Born 1520
Died 1575

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  • Cover of: Catalogus testium veritatis: qui ante nostram aetatem Pontifici Romano atque papismi erroribus reclamarunt

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  • Cover of: Katalog svjedoka istine

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  • Cover of: Antwort Matthiae Flacii Illirici auff das Stenckfeldische Bůchlein Iudicium &c. genant.

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  • Cover of: Catalogi testium veritatis auctarium: quo monumenta & testimonia hactenus desiderata, nec edita, primùm producuntur : aut extantia, sed nondum allata, apponuntur : vel vetera & concessa augentur, illustrantur, atque in integrum restituuntur : auctario huic adjunguntur tres Matthiae Flacii tractatus, hactenus desiderati : I. De synodo VI. Carthaginensi : II. De primatu Petri : III. De electione episcoporum.

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  • Cover of: Catalogus testium veritatis, qui ante nostram aetatem pontifici romano atque papismi erroribus reclamarunt.  Postrema hac editione emendatior & duplò auctior redditus, ordine dispositus, in libros XX. tributus, atque ita renouatus, vt planè nouus videri possit ...  Accessit praefatio, qua operis ratio & vsus exponuntur: duplex item, tertium citatorum & rerum insignium, index.

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  • Cover of: Clavis Scripturae S[acrae]: seu, De sermone sacrarum literarum

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  • Cover of: De ratione cognoscendi sacras literas.

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  • Cover of: Ecclesiastica historia congesta per aliquot iuros in urbe Magdeburgica

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  • Cover of: schrifft Ma. Flacij Illyrici widder ein recht epicurisch buch: darin das Leiptzische interim verteidiget wird, sich zu hüten für den verfelschern der waren Religion, sehr nützlich zu lesen ...

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  • Cover of: Erkleru[n]g der schendlichen Sünde der jenigen die durch das Concilium interim vn[d] Adiaphora von Christo zum Antichrist fallen: aus diesens prophetischen Gemelde des 3. Eliae seliger Gedechtnis

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  • Cover of: A godly and necessarye admonition of the decrees and canons of the Counsel of Trent, celebrated vnder Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the yeares of our Lord. M.D.LXII. and. M.D.LXIII.: Wrytten for those godlye disposed persons sakes, whych looke for amendement of doctrine and ceremonies to bee made by generall counsels. Lately translated out of Latine

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  • Cover of: Gründtliche verlegung etlicher newer Donatistischer schrifften des Stenckfelts.

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  • Cover of: Matthiæ Flacii, Illyrici, Catalogus testium veritatis: qui ante nostram ætatem pontifici romano, et papismi erroribus reclamârunt, pugnantibus sententiis scripserunt : opus insigne, & immortalitate dignissimum, variâque rerum, hoc præsertim tempore scitu dignissimarum, cognitione refertum : in quo præter alia, multi utiles libelli, atque opuscula veterum aliquot scriptorum, pontificii ævi, situ eruta : multæ etiam historiæ proferuntur, quarum pleræque nusquam alibi extant.

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  • Cover of: Paralipomena dialectices

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  • Cover of: Von Ankunfft des Rêomischen Keyserthumbs an die Deudschen.: Item Ob Petrus zu Rohm gewesen sey.

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  • Cover of: Von der Erbsu[e]nde freyen Willen Bekerung vnd Widergeburt

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  • Cover of: Wonderfull newes of the death of Paule the. iii. last byshop of Rome: [and] of diuerse thynges that after his death haue happened, wherein is trulye set ... the abominable actes of his most mischeuous life. Written in Latin by. P. Esquillus, and Englyshed by W. B. Londoner.

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  • Cover of: La clé des écritures.: Clavis scripturae sacrae, 1567.

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  • Cover of: Contre la principaute  de l'euesque romain: Contena t plusieurs passages de l'Escriture sainte & des Conciles, par lesquels il est monstre  que nul euesque ne doit auoir authorite  ny principaute  sur les autres euesques ...

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  • Cover of: Ein Christliche Vermanung m. Matthie Flacii Illyrici zur Bestendigkeit: inn der Waren reinen Religion Jhesu Christi, unnd inn der Augspurgischen Bekenntnis, Geschrieben an die Meissnissche Kirche, unnd andere, so das lauttere Evangelium Jhesu Christi erkant haben ...

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September 30, 2020 Edited by MARC Bot add ISNI
March 31, 2017 Edited by MARC Bot add VIAF and wikidata ID
June 7, 2012 Edited by VacuumBot Removed period from death date
August 28, 2008 Edited by RenameBot fix author name
April 1, 2008 Created by an anonymous user initial import