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Children in the Taiwanese fishing community of Angang have their attention drawn, consciously and unconsciously, to various forms of identification through their participation in schooling, family life and popular religion. They read texts about 'virtuous mothers', share 'meaningful foods' with other villagers, visit the altars of 'divining children' and participate in 'dangerous' god-strengthening rituals.
In particular they learn about the family-based cycle of reciprocity, and the tension between this and commitment to the nation. Charles Stafford's study of childhood in this community (with additional material from northeastern mainland China) explores absorbing issues related to nurturance, education, family, kinship and society in its analysis of how children learn, or do not learn, to identify themselves as both familial and Chinese.
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Previews available in: English
Social life and customs, Children, Family relationships, Child psychology, Kinship, Children, china, China, social conditions, Ethnology, china, Children, taiwan, Children, social conditions, Taiwan, social conditions, Manchuria (china), China, social life and customs, Children--social life and customs, Children--taiwan--ankang--social life and customs, Children--family relationships, Children--taiwan--ankang--family relationships, Child psychology--taiwan--ankang, Children--china--manchuria--social life and customs, Children--china--manchuria--family relationships, Child psychology--china--manchuria, Kinship--taiwan--ankang, Kinship--china--manchuria, Gn635.c5 s73 1995, 305.23/051Places
Ankang, China, Manchuria, Taiwan, Manchuria (China), Ankang (Taiwan)Edition | Availability |
Roads of Chinese Childhood: Learning and Identification in Angang
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
0511886004 9780511886003
Roads of Chinese Childhood: Learning and Identification in Angang
2009, Cambridge University Press
in English
0511586345 9780511586347
The Roads of Chinese Childhood: Learning and Identification in Angang (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology)
June 1, 2006, Cambridge University Press
in English
- 1 edition
0521026563 9780521026567
The roads of Chinese childhood: learning and identification in Angang
1995, Cambridge University Press
in English
0521465745 9780521465748
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-210) and index.
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Source records recordInternet Archive item record
Better World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
marc_columbia MARC record
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 12 revisions
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