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Interface phenomena are most fascinating because of the mixing of different scales and the interference of diverse physical processes. This makes it necessary to use different levels of description: microscopic, kinetic, and gas-dynamical. A unified quasiclassical approach is used to answer practical questions dealing with inelastic gas-surface scattering, the kinetics of adsorption layers, the evolution of inhomogeneities and defects at the surface, the Knudsen layer, the development of boundary conditions on the kinetic and gas-dynamical levels, the determination of exchange and slip coefficients, and so on.
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Previews available in: English
Surfaces (Physics), Surface chemistry, Scattering (Physics), Interfaces (Physical sciences), Fluids, Crystallography, Physics, Plasma (Ionized gases), Mathematical physics, Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Plasmas, Thin Films Surfaces and Interfaces, Mathematical Methods in Physics, Numerical and Computational MethodsEdition | Availability |
Interaction of gases with surfaces: detailed description of elementary processes and kinetics
1995, Springer
in English
3540588027 9783540588023
Book Details
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [129]-132).
The Physical Object
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 11 revisions
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