An edition of Modern American poetry (1919)

Modern American poetry

[and] Modern British poetry.

Combined mid-century ed.
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May 20, 2020 | History
An edition of Modern American poetry (1919)

Modern American poetry

[and] Modern British poetry.

Combined mid-century ed.
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Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Charles E. Carryl (1841- )
Eugene Field (1850-1895)
Edwin Markham (1852- )
Charles Erskine Scott Wood (1852- )
James Whitcomb Riley (1853-1916)
Irwin Russell (1853-1879)
George Edward Woodberry (1855- )
Henry Cuyler Bunner (1855-1896)
Edith M. Thomas (1854- )
Lizette Woodworth Reese (1856- )
Frank Dempster Sherman (1860-1916)
Clinton Scollard (i860- )
Richard Burton (1861- )
Charlotte Perkins S. Gilman (i860- )
Louise Imogen Guiney (i86i- )
Bliss Carman (1861- )
John Kendrick Bangs (1862- )
Oliver Herford (1863- )
Richard Hovey (1864-1900)
Madison Cawein (18*65-1914)
Richard Le Gallienne ti866- )
Gelett Burgess (1866- )
Bert Leston Taylor (1866- )
William Vaughn Moody (i869-i9io)_
Edgar Lee Masters (1869- )
Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869- )
George Sterling (1869- )
Carolyn Wells (1869- )
Arthur Guiterman (1871- )
T. A. Daly (1871- )
Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906)
Guy Wetmore Carryl (187J-1904)
Amy Lowell (1874- )
Josephine Preston Peabody (1874- )
Anna Hempstead Branch
Henry Herbert Knibbs (1874- )
Robert Frost (1875- )
Ridgely Torrence (1875- )
Percy MacKaye (1875- )
William Ellery Leonard (1876- )
Don Marquis (1878- )
Adelaide Crapsey (1878-1914)
Carl Sandburg (1878- )
Amelia Josephine Burr (1878- )
Grace Hazard Conkling (1878- )
Vachel Lindsay (1879- )
Edwin Meade Robinson (1879- ' )
Alice Corbin
Jessie B. Rittenhouse
John G. Neihardt (1881- )
Franklin P. Adams (1881- )
Witter Bynner (rSSi- )
Thomas S. Jones, Jr. (1882- )
James Oppenheim (1882- )
Max Eastman (1883- )
Arthur Davison Ficke (1883- )
Sara Teasdale (1884.- )
Eunice Tietjens (1884- )
Ezra Pound (1884- )
Louis Untermeyer (1885- )
Jean Starr Untermeyer (i886- )
Hilda Doolittle (1886- )
John Gould Fletcher (1886- )
Roy Helton {1886- )
John Hall Wheelock (1886- )
William Rose Benet (i886- )
Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)
Orrick Johns (1887- )
Alan Seeger (1888-1916)
Willard Wattles (1888- )
Haniel Long (1888- )
Margaret Widdemer
Conrad Aiken (1889- )
Alfred Kreymborg
Maxwell Bodenheim (1892- )
Christopher Morley (1890- )
Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892- )
Stephen Vincent Benet (1898- )

Publish Date

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Previews available in: English

Edition Availability
Cover of: Modern American poetry
Modern American poetry: [and] Modern British poetry.
1962, Harcourt, Brace & World
in English - Combined new and enl. ed.
Cover of: Modern American poetry.
Modern American poetry.
1962, Harcourt, Brace & World
in English - New and enl. ed.
Cover of: Modern American poetry.
Modern American poetry.
1950, Harcourt, Brace
in English - Mid-century [i.e. 7th] ed.
Cover of: Modern American poetry
Modern American poetry: [and] Modern British poetry.
1950, Harcourt, Brace & World
in English - Combined mid-century ed.
Cover of: Modern American poetry
Modern American poetry: a critical anthology
1930, Harcourt, Brace and Company
in English - 4th rev. ed.
Cover of: Modern American poetry.
Modern American poetry.
1921, Harcourt, Brace and Company
in English - (Rev. and enl. ed.) By Louis Untermeyer ...
Cover of: Modern American poetry.
Cover of: Modern American poetry
Modern American poetry: an introduction
1919, Harcourt, Bruce and Howe
Cover of: Modern American poetry
Modern American poetry: an introduction
1919, Harcourt, Bruce and Howe
in English
Cover of: Modern American poetry
Modern American poetry: an introduction
1919, Harcourt, Brace and Howe
in English

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Book Details

Edition Notes

Published in
New York
Other Titles
Modern British poetry.


Library of Congress
PR1224 .U62 1950

The Physical Object

xxii, 709, xxii, 493 p.
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive
Library Thing

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