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Church and social problems, Missions, ChristianityEdition | Availability |
Christian mission and social transformation: a Kenyan perspective
1989, National Council of Churches of Kenya
in English
Book Details
Table of Contents
A living hope that Christ Jesus brings to humankind / Samuel Kobia
NCCK as enabler for church mission / Samuel Kobia
The church as a serving community / John Njenga
Patterns of missionary penetration in Kenya / E. Musembe Kasiera
The pastoral responsibility to the church / Watson A.O. Omulokoli
The integrity of the church / Zablon Nthamburi
The church as a teaching community / Douglas W. Waruta
Christian and human liberation / Francis Gichia
Ecumenism / John G. Gatu
Towards ecumenical consensus on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry / J.N.K. Mugambi.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 3 revisions
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April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from Scriblio MARC record |