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Changing Canada: political economy as transformation
2003, McGill-Queen's University Press
in English
0773525300 9780773525306
Changing Canada: Political Economy As Transformation
May 2003, McGill-Queen's University Press
in English
0773525300 9780773525306
Changing Canada: Political Economy As Transformation
2003, McGill-Queen's University Press
in English
0773570993 9780773570993
Changing Canada: Political Economy As Transformation
May 2003, McGill-Queen's University Press
in English
0773525319 9780773525313
Book Details
Table of Contents
Part 1. Political transformations. Politics in the time and space of globalization / Mel Watkins ; Transformative politics, the state, and the politics of social change in Quebec / Daniel Saleé ; Decolonization and recolonization in Canada / Joyce Green ; Social movements and transformation / William K. Carroll and Elaine Coburn
pt. 2. Welfare state restructuring : shifting employment forms and new household forms. Politics and transformation : welfare state restructuring in Canada / Wendy McKeen and Ann Porter ; No minor matter : the political economy of childcare in Canada / Jane Jenson, Rianne Mahon, and Susan D. Phillips ; Pay equity complexity and contradiction in legal rights and social processes / Pat Armstrong, Mary Cornish, and Elizabeth Millar ; Gender paradoxes and the rise of contingent work : towards a transformative political economy of the labour market / Judy Fudge and Leah F. Vosko
pt. 3. International boundaries and contexts. Beyond the continentalist/nationalist divide : politics in a North America "without borders" / Christina Gabriel and Laura Macdonald ; "Playin' along" : Canada and global finance / William Coleman and Tony Porter ; Towards a North American common currency / Eric Helleiner ; The transformation of communication in Canada / Vincent Mosco
pt. 4. The new urban experience. Municipal restructuring, urban services and the potential for the creation of transformative political spaces / Caroline Andrew ; The urban experience and globalization / Roger Keil and Stefan Kipfer ; Immigration, ethnicity, and race : the transformation of transnationalism, localism, and identities / Vic Satzewich and Lloyd Wong
pt. 5. Creative sites of resistance : ecology, labour, youth, and popular culture. Ecology, political economy, and social transformation / Laurie Adkin ; Canadian labour and the political economy of transformation / Sam Gindin and Jim Stanford ; Towards a "cultural" political economy of Canadian youth / Robert Hollands ; Finding Godot? : bringing popular culture into Canadian political economy / Fuyuki Kurasawa.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
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- Created September 20, 2008
- 13 revisions
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