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Jeremy Rifkin argues that we are entering a new phase in history - one characterized by the steady and inevitable decline of jobs. The world, says Rifkin, is fast polarizing into two potentially irreconcilable forces: on one side, an information elite that controls and manages the high-tech global economy; and on the other, the growing numbers displaced workers, who have few prospects and little hope for meaningful employment in an increasingly automated world.
The end of work could mean the demise of civilization as we have come to know it, or signal the beginning of a great social transformation and a rebirth of the human spirit.
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Technological unemployment, Forecasting, Work, Labor productivity, Unemployment, Chômage technologique, Automatisation, Travail, Technische ontwikkeling, Société postindustrielle, Économie sociale, Évolution, Werkgelegenheid, Économie sociale et solidaire, Marché du travail, Effets des innovations sur le, Économie du travail, Société post-industrielle, Chômage structurel, Marché du travail, Labor supply, Effect of automation on, Labor economics, Economics, Sociological aspects, Travail, Marché du, Effets de l'automatisation sur le, Effets des innovations, Réduction du temps de travail, Employees, effect of technological innovations on, Retirement, Work, psychological aspectsEdition | Availability |
The end of work: the decline of the global labor force and the dawn of the post-market era
2004, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin
in English
- 1st trade paperback ed
1585423130 9781585423132
The End of Work
May 6, 2004, Tarcher
in English
- Updated edition
1585423130 9781585423132
03 |
The end of work: the decline of the global labor force and the dawn of the post-market era
1996, G.P. Putnam's Sons
in English
- 1st trade paperback ed.
0874778247 9780874778243
El Fin Del Trabajo: el declive de la fuerza de trabajo global y el nacimiento de la era posmercado
September 23, 1996, Paidos_Iberica,_Ediciones_S._A., Ediciones Paidós
in Spanish
8449303184 9788449303180
06 |
The End of Work
April 16, 1996, Tarcher
in English
- New Ed edition
0874778247 9780874778243
08 |
The end of work: the decline of the global labor force and the dawn of the post-market era
1995, G.P. Putnam's Sons
in English
0874777798 9780874777796
The end of work: the decline of the global labor force and the dawn of the post-market era
Publisher unknown
0874777798 9780874777796
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Translation of : The end of work.
Includes bibliographical references.
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- Created February 17, 2009
- 3 revisions
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