An edition of The Higher Arithmetic (1952)

The higher arithmetic

an introduction to the theory of numbers

8th ed.
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December 19, 2023 | History
An edition of The Higher Arithmetic (1952)

The higher arithmetic

an introduction to the theory of numbers

8th ed.
  • 3 Want to read
  • 1 Currently reading

The theory of numbers is generally considered to be the 'purest' branch of pure mathematics and demands exactness of thought and exposition from its devotees. It is also one of the most highly active and engaging areas of mathematics. Now into its eighth edition The Higher Arithmetic introduces the concepts and theorems of number theory in a way that does not require the reader to have an in-depth knowledge of the theory of numbers but also touches upon matters of deep mathematical significance. Since earlier editions, additional material written by J. H. Davenport has been added, on topics such as Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, computers and number theory, and primality testing. Written to be accessible to the general reader, with only high school mathematics as prerequisite, this classic book is also ideal for undergraduate courses on number theory, and covers all the necessary material clearly and succinctly.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
2008, Cambridge University Press
in English - 8th ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1999, Cambridge University Press
in English - 7th ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1992, Cambridge University Press
in English - 6th ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory ofnumbers
1992, Cambridge University Press
in English - 6th ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1992, Cambridge University Press
in English - 6th ed. / [with additional material by J. H. Davenport].
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1989, Cambridge University Press
in English - 5th ed. --
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1983, Dover Publications
in English - Dover ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1982, Cambridge University Press
in English - 5th ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1982, Cambridge University Press
in English - 5th ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers.
1970, Hutchinson University Library
in English - 4th ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers.
1970, Hutchinson
in English - 4th ed. --
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers.
1968, Hutchinson
in English - 3rd ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1968, Hutchinson
in English - 3rd ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers.
1962, Hutchinson
in English - 2nd. ed. 1962, reprinted 1964.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers
1960, Harper & Brothers
in English - 1st Harper Torchbook ed.
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
Cover of: The higher arithmetic
Cover of: The higher arithmetic

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Book Details

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-236) and index.

Published in
Cambridge, New York


Library of Congress
QA241 .D3 2008, QA241.D3 2008

The Physical Object

ix, 239 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive
213400639, 237192199
Library Thing

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February 18, 2009 Created by ImportBot Imported from Library of Congress MARC record