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To the Right Honourable and Mighty Lord, THOMAS EARLE OF SUSSEX, Viscount Fitzwalter, Lord of Egremont and of Burnell, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, Iustice of the forrests and Chases from Trent Southward; Captain of the Gentleman Pensioners of the House of the QUEENE our Soveraigne Lady.
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Fiction, Classical Mythology, Metamorphosis, Latin fiction, Translations into English, Translations into Italian, Translations into Spanish, Translations into French, Isis (Egyptian deity), Metamorphosis in literature, Latin literature, Translations into Russian, Mythology, Classical, in literature, Translations into German, History and criticism, Medieval and modern Latin literature, French literature, Translations from Latin, Latin American literature, Humor (Fiction), Mythology, Classical, Historical Fiction, Classic Literature, Latin language materials, Fiction (fictional works by one author), Continental european fiction (fictional works by one author), Fiction, general, Greek fiction, Trans. into Eng, Fiction, historical, general, Fiction, fantasy, general, Latin literature, translations into english, Criticism and interpretation, Romans, Illustraties, Latijn, Klassieke oudheid, Mythology, classical--fiction, Metamorphosis--fiction, Pa6209.m3 r45 2007, 873/.01, Metamorphosis in fiction, open_syllabus_project, World history, Egypt, fiction, Cupid and Psyche (Tale), Metamorphoses (Apuleius), English language, textbooks for foreign speakers, Apuleius, Literature, LatinPeople
ApuleiusShowing 11 featured editions. View all 432 editions?
Edition | Availability |
01 |
02 |
L'Ane d'or ou Les métamorphoses
March 14, 1975, Gallimard
Mass Market Paperback
in French
2070366294 9782070366293
The golden ass: being the Metamorphoses of Lucius Apuleius
1965, Harvard University Press
in English
05 |
The golden ass: being the Metamorphoses of Lucius Apuleius
1924, Heinemann, Macmillan Co.
in English
07 |
The metamorphosis, or golden ass, and philosophical works, of Apuleius [A. on the God of Socrates; A. on the habitude of the doctrines of Plato]
1822, Sold by R. Triphook and T. Rodd
in English
09 |
10 |
11 |
Book Details
Edition Notes
"First printed, 1915; reprinted, 1965."
Latin and English on opposite pages.
With reproduction of the t.-p. of 1566 edition: The .XI. Bookes of the Golden Asse, conteininge the Metamorphosie of Lucius Apuleius ... Translated out of Latine into Englishe by VVilliam Adlington. Imprinted at London in Fleetstreate, at the signe of the Oliphante, by Henry VVykes. Anno 1566.
Spelling and punctuation of the translation are modernized.
Bibliography : p. xi--xii.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records
University of Prince Edward Island MARC recordmarc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
marc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
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- Created October 2, 2009
- 4 revisions
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March 3, 2021 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
July 27, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
July 17, 2010 | Edited by WorkBot | merge works |
October 2, 2009 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from University of Prince Edward Island MARC record |