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English Historical drama, English Political plays, Great Britain, Histories, Historiography, History, History and criticism, In literature, Knowledge, Political and social views, Politics and literature, Politics in literature, Rome, Rome in literature, Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, History in literature, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, knowledge, rome, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, histories, Political plays, history and criticism, Historical drama, history and criticism, Rome, in literature, Rome, historiography, Great britain, historiography, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, political and social views, Pensée politique et sociale, Théâtre historique, Connaissances, Histoire, Politique dans la littérature, Histoire dans la littérature, Politique et littérature, Théâtre historique anglais, Histoire et critique, Théâtre politique anglais, Historiographie, LITERARY CRITICISM, Shakespeare, DRAMA, Literature, Knowledge and learningPlaces
Great Britain, RomeTimes
1066-1687, 16th century, 17th centuryEdition | Availability |
Shakespeare's Political Drama: The History Plays and the Roman Plays
2016, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1138173606 9781138173606
Shakespeare's Political Drama: The History Plays and the Roman Plays
2003, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1134956002 9781134956005
Shakespeare's Political Drama: The History Plays and the Roman Plays
2003, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1134956037 9781134956036
Shakespeare's Political Drama: The History Plays and the Roman Plays
2003, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1134956029 9781134956029
Shakespeare's political drama: the history plays and the Roman plays
1988, Routledge
in English
0415006554 9780415006552
Shakespeare's political drama: the history plays and the Roman plays
1988, Routledge
in English
0416096824 9780416096828
Shakespeare's political drama: the history plays and the Roman plays
Publisher unknown
041503888X 9780415038881
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. 245-259.
Includes index.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
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Source records
Scriblio MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
OpenLibraries-Trent-MARCs record record
Internet Archive item record
Library of Congress MARC record
Better World Books record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
marc_columbia MARC record
marc_columbia MARC record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 15 revisions
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January 22, 2025 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
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June 30, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from Scriblio MARC record |