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Previews available in: English
Lie superalgebras, Supermanifolds (Mathematics), Supersymmetry, Supersymétrie, Supervariétés (Mathématiques), Superalgèbres de Lie, Calculus & mathematical analysis, SCIENCE / Physics / Quantum Theory, Supersymmetrie, Globale Analysis, Global analysis, analysis on manifolds, Algebraic geometry, Nonassociative rings and algebras, Several complex variables and analytic spacesEdition | Availability |
Mathematical foundations of supersymmetry
2011, European Mathematical Society
in English
3037190973 9783037190975
Book Details
Table of Contents
1. Z/2Z-graded linear algebra
2. Sheaves, functors and the geometric point of view
3. Supergeometry
4. Differentiable supermanifolds
5. The local structure of morphisms
6. The Frobenius theorem
7. Super lie groups
8. Actions of super lie groups
9. Homogeneous spaces
10. Supervarieties and superschemes
11. Algebraic supergroups.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
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- Created December 28, 2011
- 8 revisions
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December 28, 2011 | Created by LC Bot | Imported from Library of Congress MARC record |