An edition of The best laid schemes (2009)

The best laid schemes

selected poetry and prose of Robert Burns

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An edition of The best laid schemes (2009)

The best laid schemes

selected poetry and prose of Robert Burns

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Cover of: The best laid schemes
The best laid schemes: selected poetry and prose of Robert Burns
2009, Princeton University Press
in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Poems. My father was a farmer
To ruin
The death and dying words of poor Mailie, the author's own pet yowe, an unco mornfu' tale
Poor Mailie's elegy
Mary Morison
On a noisy polemic
For the author's father
A fragment [When Guilford Good our pilot stood]
Address to the Unco Guid, or the rigidly righteous
O leave novels
Green grow the rashes : a fragment
Epistle to Davie, a brother poet
Holy Willie's prayer
Death and Doctor Hornbook : a true story
Epistle to J. L[aprai]k, an old Scotch bard
The vision
To a mouse
The holy fair
The twa dogs, a tale
The Cotter's Saturday night
Address to the Deil
Brose and butter
To a louse
A cantata [Love and liberty or The jolly beggars]
On a Scotch bard gone to the West Indies
To the author [ Second epistle to Davie]
[Lines written on a Bank of Scotland one guinea note]
[Address to Beelzebub]
A dream
The brigs of Ayr : a poem
The northern lass
Address to Edinburgh
To a haggis
A fragment [There was a lad]
[Inscribed around Fergusson's portrait]
[Lines on Fergusson]
Written by somebody on the window of an inn at Stirling on seeing the royal palace in ruins
Ca' the ewes to the Knowes [first version]
I love my Jean
O, were I on Parnassus Hill
Tam Glen
Auld Lang Syne
Louis what reck I by thee
Robin Shure in Hairst
Nine inch will please a lady
Afton water
[Epistle to Dr. Blacklock]
On Captn. Grose's present peregrinations through Scotland collecting the antiquities of that kingdom
My love she's but a lassie yet
My heart's in the highlands
John Anderson my Jo
Tam o'Shanter : a tale
The banks o'Doon
Ae fond kiss
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation
The de'el's awa wi' th' exciseman
Highland Mary
The rights of woman
Why should na poor people mow
Whistle & I'll come to you my lad
Ode [for General Washington's birthday]
Bruce to his troops on the eve of the Battle of Bannock-burn
Act sederunt o' the court o' session
A red red rose
Ca' the yowes to the Knowes [second version]
For a' that & a' that
The Dumfries volunteers
The heron ballads I
To the tooth-ach
[Oh wert though in the cauld blast]
The solemn league and covenant
The Selkirk grace
Tam Lin
Comin thro' the rye
Charlie he's my darling
The trogger
The tree of liberty
Rediscovered poems. Logie o' Buchan
I courted a lassie
My steps fate on a mad conjuncture thrust
Here is to the king, sir
Tho' life's gay scenes delight no more
Prose. Five extracts from Burns's First commonplace book, 1783-85
Preface [To Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, 1786]
Dedication [To Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, 1787]
Extract from Burns's journal of his border tour
Letter to Dr. John Moore, 2 August 1787
Letter to Agnes McLehose, 19 January 1788
Letter to Agnes McLehose, 25 January 1788
Letter to Robert Ainslie, 3 March 1788
Extract from a letter to Burns from Agnes McLehose
Letter to Dr. John Moore, 4 January 1789
Extracts from a letter to Mrs. Frances Dunlop of Dunlop, 12 January 1795
Letter to James Armour, 10 July 1796.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-264) and indexes.

Published in


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
PR4302 .C73 2009b, , PR4302 .C72 2009

The Physical Object

xxxvii, 271 p. ;
Number of pages

ID Numbers

Open Library
Internet Archive
0691142947, 0691142955
9780691142944, 9780691142951

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January 11, 2012 Created by LC Bot Imported from Library of Congress MARC record