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Reformed writers, in their church histories and volumes on the law and antinomianism, almost invariably vilify the men whose works are annotated in this publication. It is has been like this ever since the 1640s; it is still going on today. The works of these men are dismissed as heretical and highly dangerous. So why has David Gay published this book? He has done so because he could not more strongly disagree with the Reformed view. Even so, reader, intending no patronisation, he feels it is only right to caution you right at the start – just in case you have never come across Tobias Crisp, William Dell, John Eaton and John Saltmarsh. In the eyes of many (most) eminent teachers, this book ought never to have seen the light of day. In publishing it, Gay has been irresponsible to a high degree, giving the oxygen of publicity to works that should have been left to slumber in oblivion. And, no doubt, they would advise you to have nothing to do with it. You have been warned! Anticipating this, Gay responds thus:
Of course, reader, if, without looking into the matter for yourself, you are prepared to accept the verdict of the aforesaid Reformed writers, then this book is not for you. If, however, having read the small print, you are still disposed to take the risk, read on. If you do, and if your experience is anything like mine, your heart will be warmed. Your eyes will be opened to what you have been missing. In perusing the works of these four ‘antinomians’, I have found Christ, and the free grace of God in justification, set before me in a way I had not known before. As a consequence, I have come to realise that, as a believer, being in Christ makes me far richer than ever I had thought. For decades, I have had a dry, technical, academic – altogether too low and impoverished – view of justification. I simply had not realised how vast a treasure we believers have in Christ’s free justification of us. Time and again, of course, I had sung: ‘How vast the treasure we possess’ and ‘How vast the benefits divine which we in Christ possess!’, but I had simply not appreciated what I was singing about! In producing this volume, that has been changed; permanently, I hope. What is more, I have found these four men, as the New Testament, repeatedly calling me to godliness. But – and here is the rub – I have found them telling me again and again that sanctification is not by the law. No! They have one theme, the theme of the New Testament. Which is? Christ is all! These men have driven me to Christ, and made me see that I must look to him – not to the law, not to my works, but to Christ – for everything: for justification, sanctification, assurance and glorification. And for this these men should be commended, not vilified. In publishing this volume, therefore, besides doing good to others, I hope I have gone some way towards repaying the great debt I owe them.
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Antinomianism, Justification by Faith, Law of Moses, New CovenantPeople
John Eaton, William Dell, Tobias Crisp, John SaltmarshPlaces
17th centuryEdition | Availability |
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- Created January 9, 2014
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September 17, 2024 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
August 5, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
January 14, 2014 | Edited by Jessamyn West | added ia link |
January 10, 2014 | Edited by DAVID H J GAY | Added new cover |
January 9, 2014 | Created by DAVID H J GAY | Added new book. |