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Virgules replaced by commas in title page transcription.
Constitutes the third part of Theodor de Bry's Small voyages, printed in 13 parts and an Appendix in Frankfurt am Main and Oppenheim from 1597 to 1633.
This work has been identified as the second German edition of part three of the Small voyages by Church.
First German edition printed in Frankfurt am Main, 1599.
The first part is a translation of selections of: Itinerario, voyage ofte schipvaert, van Ian Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien / by Jan Hyugen van Linschoten, first printed Amsterdam, 1596.
"Indianische Historia, darinnen erzehlet wirt, was den Holländischen Schiffen widerfahren, mit sonderbarer Anzeig der Sitten, Religion, Wesen vnd Hausshaltung der Völcker, so die Holländer besucht, vnd was für Gelt, Specerey, Gewürtz, vnd Kauffmanschafft bey denselben, vnd vmb was Preiss, zufinden", p. 77-156, is a translation of: Verhael vande reyse by de hollandtsche schepen gedaen naer Oost Indien published by Barent Langenes, Middelburg, 1597. The voyage was made under the command of Cornelis de Houtman.
"Gerardus de Veer von Amsterdam. L.S.", p. 157-219, [1], 2nd, 3rd, and 4th counts, is a translation of: Waarachtige beschrijving van drie seylagien, ter werelt noyt soo vreemt ghehoort, drie jaeren achter malcanderen deur de Hollandtsche ende Zeelandtsche schepen by noorden Noorweghen, Moscovia ende Tartaria, na de coninckrijcken van Catthai ende China ..., / by Gerrit de Veer, first printed Amsterdam, 1598.
This part contains (1) chapters 92-99 of Linschoten's voyages, translated by Bilibaldus Strobaeus. (2) The first chapters of an account of a voyage made to the East Indies in 1595-97 under the direction of Cornelius de Houtman. This is a translation of the German edition which the de Brys published in 1598. A Latin edition was printed at Amsterdam in 1598, but this was not used in this translation, which is inferior to it. (3) A journal of three voyages made by the Dutch in 1594-97, in their attempts to reach the East Indies by the north. This relation, written by Gerrit de Veer, was published in Amsterdam in 1598. A translation in Latin by Carolus Clusius Atrebatensis (Charles de l'Ecluse, d'Arras), which was published in the same year, was used, with many omissions, in this part. Cf. Church.
Also contains the first part of Willem Lodewijcksz's Navigatio Hollandorum in insulas Orientales, first printed Amsterdam, 1598, under title D'eerste boeck; Historie van Indien. Includes references to Brazil. Cf. Alden.
"Warhafftige, Eygentliche Contrafaytung vnd Fürbildung, der SeeMappen, Insulen, Stätten vnd Völcker, wie auch deren Leben, Sitten vnd Trachten, &c. welcher gestalt dieselbigen auff der gantzen Schiffart in Orient nach Indiam, fürkommen: vnd dann in diesen dreyen Büchern der Ost Insianischen Beschreibung aussführlich erklärt werden. Sampt gemelter SeeMappen vnd Figurn kurtzer Explication vnd Bericht, sonderlich bey jedes Stück angefügt. Schön, zierlich vnd klärlich in Kupffer gestochen, von neuwem am Tag geben, vnd für Augen gestelt, durch Hans Dieterich, und Hand Israel de Bry, gebohren zu Strassburg", p. [4-5], 4th count, has imprint: Gedruckt zu Oppenheim bey Hieronymo Gallern, in Verlegung Johann Dieterichs de Bry. M D C XVI. [1616]
Signatures: )(² ()(1 verso blank) A-2D⁴ (2D4 blank) a1 (a1 verso blank) q3.
Errors in paging: p. 121 misnumbered 123.
Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.
Contains 14 leaves of plates, 3 of which are double, 3 double folded (one of which is a double folded plan of Angra on 2 sheets bound between p. 56 and 57) and 58 numbered leaves of plates (one of which is folded, another a double plate, and one of which is a double folded plate) which are signed a2-h4, i2, k1-q2.
Church, E.D. Discovery, no. 231.
Alden, J.E. European Americana, 616/63.
JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675, I: p. 427-428.
John Carter Brown Library copy contains 2 copies of plate no. 58, following p. [4-5], 3rd count, which represent both states of this plate: the first which lacks the map of Nova Zembla on the verso, and the other which does have the map on the verso.
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- Created August 30, 2014
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