The U.S. Air Service in World War I

Volume 2, Early Concepts Of Military Aviation

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May 20, 2020 | History

The U.S. Air Service in World War I

Volume 2, Early Concepts Of Military Aviation

Volume 2 of 4.
GPO Stock Number 088-070-00362-7

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Edition Availability
Cover of: U. S. Air Service in World War I
U. S. Air Service in World War I: Volume II - Early Concepts of Military Aviation
2015, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
in English
Cover of: U. S. Air Service in World War I
U. S. Air Service in World War I: Volume III - the Battle of St. Mihiel
2015, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
in English
Cover of: U. S. Air Service in World War I
U. S. Air Service in World War I: Volume I - the Final Report and a Tactical History
2015, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
in English
Cover of: The U.s. Air Service in World War I
The U.s. Air Service in World War I: The Battle of St. Mihiel [Volume Iii]
1979-01-01, Simpson Hist. Research Ctr, Maxwell AFB
Cover of: The U.S. Air Service in World War I
The U.S. Air Service in World War I: The U.S. Air Service in World War I: Volume 3 The Battle Of St. Mihiel
1978, Maxwell AFB, Ala. : Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center, Washington : Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF
in English
Cover of: The U.S. Air Service in World War I
The U.S. Air Service in World War I: Volume 2, Early Concepts Of Military Aviation
1978, Maxwell AFB, Ala. : Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center, Washington : Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF
in English
Cover of: The U.S. Air Service in World War I
The U.S. Air Service in World War I: Volume 4: Postwar Report
1978, Maxwell AFB, Ala. : Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center, Washington : Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF
in English
Cover of: The U.S. Air Service in World War I
The U.S. Air Service in World War I: Volume 1 The Final Report, And, A Tactical History
1978, Maxwell AFB, Ala. : Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center, Washington : Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF
in English
Cover of: The U.S. Air Service in World War I

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Part I The Aviation Section, 1914-1917 1
1 . Aeronautics in the Army 3
2. Four-Squadron Plan 19
3. Creation of the Aviation Section, Signal Corps, 1 8 July 1914 21
4. Field Service Regulations, 1914 23
5. Funds for Aeronautics (Fiscal Year 1916), December 1914 27
6. Scriven: The Service of Information, 1915 33
7. Scriven: Annual Report, 1915 37
8. War College Division: A Proper Military Policy, 1915 . . 41
9. To Increase the Efficiency of the Military Establishment, 1916 55
10. Preparedness for National Defense, 1916 59
11. National Defense Act of 1916 65
12. Funds for Fiscal Year 1917, April 1916 67
13. Foulois: The 1st Aero Squadron in Mexico, 1916 75
14. Scriven: Annual Report, 1916 89
15. Funds for Fiscal Year 1918, January 1917 91
Part II Air Service Plans and Programs, April 191 7-February 1918 103
16. 12,000-Plane Program, 29 May 1917 105
17. Mitchell: Air Policy, 13 June 1917 107
18. Mitchell: Aeronautical Organization, 13 June 1917 111
19. Dodd: Aviation Work, 18 June 1917 113
20. Churchill: Liaison with Artillery, 21 June 1917 115
21. Churchill: Air Superiority, 21 June 1917 117
22. Parker: The Role of Aviation, 2 July 1917 119
23. Board of Officers: Recommendations, 4 July 1917 — 123
24. Duties of the Chief of Air Service, 5 July 1917 125
25. 59-Squadron Plan, 10 July 1917 127
26. Boiling: Report, 15 August 1917 131
27. 260-Squadron Plan, 18 September 1917 135
28. Command in the Zone of Advance, 10 October 1917 . 139
29. Gorrell: Strategical Bombardment, 28 November 1917 141
30. Foulois: Recommendations for Air Service, 1 December 1917 159
31. Foulois: Report on Air Service Problems, 23 December 1917 161
32. Command of the Air Service, AEF, 24 December 1917 165
33. 100-Squadron Schedule, 1 January 1918 167
34. 120-Squadron Schedule, 6 February 1918 171
Part III Combat, February-November 1918 173
35. Mitchell: General Principles, 30 April 1918 175
36. Artillery Adjustment, May 1918 177
37. Command of the Air Service, AEF, 29 May 1918 187
38. No Independent Air Operations, 29 May 1918 191
39. Restatement of the 260-Squadron Plan, 5 June 1918 195
40. Infantry Liaison, 15 June 1918 199
41. Infantry Liaison in I Corps, June 1918 205
42. The Role of Pursuit, June 1918 213
43. 358 Squadrons, July 1918 219
44. Liaison— A Costly Business, 4 August 1918 223
45. Command of the Air Service, First Army, 6 August 1918 225
46. 202 Squadrons, 16 August 1918 227
47. Plans for the Initial Phase of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 1918 231
48. Battle Orders, Air Service, First Army, September-November 1 91 8 247
49. Objectives of Day Bombardment, November 1918 ... . 251
50. Area vs Precision Bombing, November 1918 253
51. Observation Balloons, November 1918 255
52. A Combat Service, 1 1 November 1918 263 Part IV Postwar Review 265
53. Mitchell: Provisional Manual of Operations, 23 December 1918 267
54. Notes on the Characteristics, Limitations, and Employment of the Air Service, 1919 303
55. Sherman: Tentative Manual for the Employment of Air Service, 1919 313
Appendices 411
A. Funds for Military Aviation, 1909-1918 411
B. Squadron Plans and Programs, 1917-1918 412
Index 413
List of Illustrations
Early U.S. military aviators 2
Congressman James Hay 5
Capt. Paul W. Beck 8
Lt. Myron S. Crissy and Phillip O. Parmalee with bomb dropping device 9
Charles F. Willard, Curtiss pilot, and Maj. Jacob E. Fickel who fired a rifle from the aircraft 10
Capt. Charles D. Chandler who fired the first machine gun from an aircraft in flight piloted by Lt. Roy C. Kirtland 10
First serviceman to fly — Lt. Lahm (art by Richard Green) .... 17
1st Aero Squadron, Texas City, Texas, 1913 18
Lts. Thomas D. Milling and William C. Sherman who broke the U.S. duration and distance record 22
Burgess-Dunne airplane used by the Army in 1915 26
Brig. Gen. George P. Scriven 32
Signal Corps Burgess-Wright seaplane at Corregidor Island 36
A captive balloon inflated at Ft. Myer, Virginia, summer of 1908 40
Wright Model D Scout purchased by the Signal Corps in 1913 42
A Caquot or "sausage" balloon 44
Signal Corps dirigible Baldwin Airship #7 46
Military Aviator Certificate 52
Martin TT training plane 54
Formation of JN-3 aircraft 56
Senator George E. Chamberlain 58
Officers of the U.S. Signal Corps Aviation School, San Diego 60-61
Lt. Col. Samuel Reber 62
President Woodrow Wilson 64
Pancho Villa 66
Early Wright brothers planes 70
Pioneer student pilots 71
Aircraft #43 landing in Mexico during the Punitive Expedition 73
Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing and Maj. John J. Ryan in Mexico 74
Officers of the 1st Aero Squadron, San Antonio, Texas 76
JN-2 Aeroplane #44 (converted to JN-3) 78
Lt. Herbert A. Dargue posing by his aircraft, 7 April 1916 — 82
Lts. Herbert A. Dargue and Edgar S. Gorrell in Mexico, 1916 85
Lt. Dargue, Capt. Foulois, and Lt. Gorrell 87
Lt. Col. George O. Squier 94
Gen. Pershing with his World War I staff 103
French women assembling American-made planes in France 104
Brig. Gen. Edgar Russel 106
Maj. Gen. Sir Hugh Montague Trenchard 109
"Billy Mitchell" 110
Maj. Townsend F. Dodd 112
Maj. Marlborough Churchill 116
Maj. Frank Parker 118
Observation balloon 121
Capt. Joseph E. Carberry 122
Chaumont France, site of Pershing's Headquarters, AEF (sketch by J. Andre Smith) 124
Maj. Raynal C. Boiling 130
Brig. Gen. William L. Kenly 138
Gen. Sir D. Henderson decorates Col. Edgar S. Gorrell 140
German Gotha bomber 142
British Handley-Page bomber 144
Assembly of a Handley-Page bomber 157
Brig. Gen. Benjamin D. Foulois 160
Maj. Gen. Hunter Liggett 164
Maj. Gen. James G. Harbord 166
Park Squadrons assembling and repairing aircraft 168
"Billy Mitchell" (art by Linda Mikkelson) 174
Lts. Follett Bradley and Henry H. ("Hap") Arnold seated in aircraft (above); Lts. Arnold and Joseph O. Mauborgne (below) 176
Glenn L Martin #50 airplane equipped with radio sending and receiving sets 178-179
Maj. Gen. Mason M. Patrick 186
Liberty engine plant 197
Infantrymen firing Very pistols to communicate with aviators 198
Ground panels laid out to signal aviators in flight 204
Maj. Davenport Johnson 212
Generals Ferdinand Foch and John J. Pershing 218
Brig. Gen. Malin Craig 222
Brig. Gen. "Billy" Mitchell 224
Maj. Gen. Fox Conner 226
Maj. Gen. James W. McAndrew 229
Lt. Col. Bert M. Atkinson 230
Col. Robert McCleave 233
Col. Joseph C. Morrow; Maj. William K. Thaw and
Lt. Col. Ralph Royce 236
Lt. Col. Lewis H. Brereton 237
A loaded bomber awaiting takeoff 238
Lt. Col. Frank P. Lahm 240
Commandant Villome, French Air Force 243
Col. Milling, Gen. Mitchell, and Maj. Paul Armengaud 246
Aerial view of Conflans 250
Brequets in formation 252
Col. Charles DeF. Chandler 254
Telephone to a balloon 261
Maj. Harold E. Hartney; Maj. James L. Dunsworth and 1st Lt. N. McDonald 262
Four different types and sizes of bombs used in raids 276
Signal Corps radio truck used to receive and transmit messages 293
Panel markers for communication with airplanes 299
Brig. Gen. Mitchell and his staff 302
Lt. Col. William C. Sherman and Lts. V. F. Ludden and C. G. Sellers 312
An open-air P.C 339
Observer watching infantry movements below 344
"Take-off" in formation 357
Another method of forming 358
Method of forming fives or multiples; Right angle or crossover turn 359
Taylor stunt 360
English vol de group 361
Camouflage attack 362
Lufbery show 364
Attack on two-seater by formation of pursuit planes 365
Method of assembling chain formations; Scouring patrol 366
Pursuit chain of formation 367
Strafing a machine-gun battery 369
U.S. airplane attacks captive balloon 374-75
Daylight balloon attack 376
Day bombardment operation of one wing 395-96
Day bombardment operation of one group 397
Chart showing functions of different branches of Air Service 398
An observer and pilot demonstrate steering the pilot to the objective by reins 398
Germans fire a captured French AA gun against Allied balloons 408-9
DH-4 (art by Masami DaiJogo) 410

Edition Notes

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Washington, D.C., USA

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