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Earth Science (5th Edition) Student Text moves the student from the lithosphere of the earth itself to the hydrosphere in and on the earth to the atmosphere surrounding the earth and finally out into space visiting the solar system and the rest of the universe. All of this is a quest to understand God's created world. Case studies and other activities encourage students to think like scientists as they develop a biblical perspective of earth and space. - Publisher.
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Book Details
Table of Contents
This book is for you!
1. Introduction to Earth Science.
The world of Earth Science
Matter, forces, and energy
Maps and mapping
2. The restless earth.
Geology : the earth speaks
The changing earth
Mountains and hills
Volcanoes and volcanism
3. Earth's rocky materials.
Minerals and ores
Weathering, erosion, and soils
4. The water world.
Oceans and seas
Ocean motions
Ocean exploration
Surface waters
5. The atmosphere.
Earth's atmosphere
Storms and weather prediction
Climate and climate change
6. The heavens.
The sun, moon, and earth system
Our solar system
Stars, galaxies, and the universe
Space exploration
Biblical origins
Case studies
Life connection
Serving God as a(n) ...
Worldview sleuthing
Understanding scientific terms
Math principles and graphing
Periodic table of the elements
Topographic map symbols
Geologic time scale
Modified Mercalli intensity scale
Landform regions of the continental United States
Relative humidity
Tornado/hurricane category scales
Solar system data
Edition Notes
Publisher no. 508655 (BJU Press)
The Physical Object
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- Created March 28, 2018
- 7 revisions
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December 7, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
November 1, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
March 2, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
March 28, 2018 | Edited by Bryan Tyson | Edited without comment. |
March 28, 2018 | Created by Bryan Tyson | Added new book. |