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Previews available in: English
Bohemianism, Civilization, History, Popular culture, Paris (france), intellectual life, Paris (france), history, New York Times reviewed, France, social life and customs, France, intellectual life, Paris (france), social life and customsPlaces
France, Paris, Paris (France)Times
19th centuryEdition | Availability |
Bohemian Paris: culture, politics, and the boundaries of bourgeois life, 1830-1930
1999, Johns Hopkins University Press
in English
- Johns Hopkins paperback ed.
0801860636 9780801860638
Paris bohème: culture et politique aux marges de la vie bourgeoise, 1830-1930
1991, Gallimard
in French
2070721310 9782070721313
Bohemian Paris: culture, politics, and the boundaries of bourgeois life, 1830-1930
1987, Penguin Books, Penguin (Non-Classics)
in English
0140094407 9780140094404
Bohemian Paris: culture, politics, and the boundaries of bourgeois life, 1830-1930
1986, Viking
in English
0670807230 9780670807239
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. 405-440.
"Elizabeth Sifton books."
Includes index.
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Edition Identifiers
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Scriblio MARC recordIthaca College Library MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Better World Books record
Promise Item
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
marc_columbia MARC record
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 12 revisions
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April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from Scriblio MARC record |