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This textbook is an introduction to Scientific Computing, in which several numerical methods for the computer-based solution of certain classes of mathematical problems are illustrated. The authors show how to compute the zeros, the extrema, and the integrals of continuous functions, solve linear systems, approximate functions using polynomials and construct accurate approximations for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. To make the format concrete and appealing, the programming environments Matlab and Octave are adopted as faithful companions. The book contains the solutions to several problems posed in exercises and examples, often originating from important applications. At the end of each chapter, a specific section is devoted to subjects which were not addressed in the book and contains bibliographical references for a more comprehensive treatment of the material. From the review: ".... This carefully written textbook, the third English edition, contains substantial new developments on the numerical solution of differential equations. It is typeset in a two-color design and is written in a style suited for readers who have mathematics, natural sciences, computer sciences or economics as a background and who are interested in a well-organized introduction to the subject." Roberto Plato (Siegen), Zentralblatt MATH 1205.65002
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Previews available in: English
Science, MATLAB, Data processing, Matlab (computer program), Science, data processing, General, Visualization, Computational intelligence, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer science, Engineering, Computational science and engineering, Numerical and computational physics, Theoretical and computational chemistry, Qa71-90, 004Edition | Availability |
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave
Aug 23, 2016, Springer
3662517582 9783662517581
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave
2014, Springer London, Limited
in English
3642453678 9783642453670
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave
Mar 13, 2014, Springer
364245366X 9783642453663
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
October 5, 2006, Springer
in English
- 2nd ed. edition
354032612X 9783540326120
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Source title: Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering (2))
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- Created June 20, 2020
- 6 revisions
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June 20, 2020 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from record |