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Nouvelles. Roman d'épouvante
1922 , Un fermier du Nebraska assassine sa femme avec la complicité de leur fils pour l'empêcher de vendre sa propriété à un éleveur de porcs. Le début d'une véritable descente aux enfers dans un univers de violence et de paranoïa. Big driver. Un auteur de polar se fait violer sauvagement au bord d'une route. Rendue à moitié folle par l'agression, elle décide de se venger elle-même de l'homme et de son effrayante complice... Un homme atteint d'un cancer, fait un pacte faustien avec un inconnu : en échange d'un peu de vie, il vend un ami d'enfance dont il a toujours été jaloux pour souffrir (ô combien !) à sa place... Un mariage parfait. Une femme découvre par hasard qu'elle vit depuis plus de vingt ans aux côtés d'un tueur en série. Que va-t-il se passer maintenant qu'il sait qu'elle sait...
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Chevrolet Suburbans, 1955 doubled die cents, crime, detectives, sex, school shootings, alter egos, insanity, sadism, mail order, rare coins, pornography, sadomasochism, serial killers, novellas, Suspense fiction, Horror fiction, serial murderers, murder, marriage, secrecy, business travel, horror tales, cozy mysteries, violence against women, horror, slaughterhouses, butcher knives, wells, cover-ups, sheriffs, amputation, pariahs, suicide, delusion, precognition, American Short stories, New York Times bestseller, nyt:mass_market_paperback=2011-09-17, short stories, retribution, lung cancer, tumors, breast cancer, lymph nodes, embezzlement, heart attack, brain damage, stillbirth, pyorrhea, gout, psoriasis, American Horror tales, Terminally ill, Devil, Rape victims, Revenge, Fiction, Mentally ill, House selling, Husband and wife, Fiction, horror, Large type books, Époux, Victimes de viol, Vengeance, Malades mentaux, Démon, Romans, nouvelles, Malades en phase terminale, New York Times reviewed, Romans en novellen ; vertaaldPeople
Darcy Anderson, Bob Anderson, Brian Delahanty, Marjorie Duvall, Holt Ramsey, Tess, Ramona Norville, Betsy, Big Driver, Little Driver, Wilfred Leland James, Arlette James, Shannon Cotterie, Harlan Cotterie, Devil, Harry Streeter, George Elvid, JobPlaces
Portland, Maine, Chicopee, Massachusetts, Interstate 84, Stagg Road, Connecticut, Stagger Inn, Esso, New England, Hemingford, Hemingford Home, Nebraska, Omaha, Nevada, Derry, VenusShowing 11 featured editions. View all 40 editions?
Edition | Availability |
Czarna bezgwiezdna noc
2013, Wydawnictwo Albatros A. Kuryłowicz
in Polish
- Wyd. 4 (kieszonkowe - 1).
8378858715 9788378858713
Todo oscuro, sin estrellas
2013, Debolsillo
mass market paperback
in Spanish
8499898637 9788499898636
Nuit noire, étoiles mortes: nouvelles
2012-03, A. Michel
in French
2226239936 9782226239938
Aardedonker, zonder sterren
2012-03, Luitingh
in Dutch
- Vijfde druk
902454985X 9789024549856
Full Dark, No Stars
2011, Windsor | Paragon
in English
- UK Hardcover Large print edition
1445857901 9781445857909
Full Dark, No Stars
2011, Windsor | Paragon, Windsor
in English
- UK Hardcover Large Print edition
1445857901 9781445857909
07 |
08 |
09 |
Full Dark, No Stars
2010, Hodder & Stoughton
in English
- printing (1)
1444712551 9781444712551
11 |
Book Details
Table of Contents
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The Physical Object
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Work Description
Full Dark, No Stars, published in November 2010, is a collection of four novellas by American author Stephen King, all dealing with the theme of retribution. One of the novellas, 1922, is set in Hemingford Home, Nebraska, which is the home of Mother Abagail from King's epic novel The Stand (1978), the town the adult Ben Hanscom moves to in It (1986), and the setting of the short story "The Last Rung on the Ladder" (1978).
The collection won the 2011 Bram Stoker Award for Best Collection, and the 2011 British Fantasy Award for Best Collection. Also, 1922 was nominated for the 2011 British Fantasy Award for Best Novella.
A Good Marriage
Big Driver
- Fair Execution
first sentence
Links outside Open Library
- - Full Dark, No Stars
- The Great Stephen King Reread: Full Dark, No Stars
- Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King – review
- Fiction Book Review: Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King, Scribner ...
- What Evil Lurks
- Full Dark, No stars by Stephen King: review
- New York Times review
- Full Dark, No Stars - Wikipedia
- Created June 21, 2020
- 8 revisions
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August 15, 2024 | Edited by lisaBot | remove edition authors |
August 2, 2024 | Edited by AgentSapphire | // |
March 3, 2023 | Edited by WikidataBot | [sync_edition_olids] add wikidata identifier |
January 14, 2023 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
June 21, 2020 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Internet Archive item record |