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Religious Leadership: A Reference Handbook
2013, SAGE Publications, Incorporated
in English
1452276129 9781452276120
2 |
3 |
Book Details
Table of Contents
VOLUME ONE : Formal and informal religious leadership in the U.S. context. Part I. The U.S. religious context. The U.S. mainline Protestant context / David E. Eagle, Duke University
The African American context / Michael D. Royster, Prairie View A&M University
Evangelical, Pentecostal, and megachurch movements / William Svelmoe, Saint Mary's College , Notre Dame, Indiana
The Jewish context: American Jewish leadership / Lance J. Sussman, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Roman Catholic trends / Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter
Emerging paradigms of Catholic leadership / Marti R. Jewell, University of Dallas, School of Ministry
Catholic multicultural trends / Faustino M. Cruz, Seattle University
Islamic leadership in American / Jane I. Smith, Harvard Divinity School (retired)
The Asian religious context: focus on Hinduism / Deepak Sarma, Case Western Reserve University
Religious leadership in the Latino/Latina community: leadership as service / Jeanette Rodriguez, Seattle University
Part II. Formal and informal leadership in spiritual and religious traditions. Pastoral leadership in mainline Protestant churches / Lovett H. Weems Jr., Wesley Theological Seminary
Innovations in mainline Protestant leadership / Anthony B. Robinson, Congregational Leadership Northwest
The Evangelical leader / Russell W. West, Asbury Theological Seminary
The Pentecostal leader / Virginia A. Christel, Valley Forge Christian College
Missional leadership / Alan J. Roxburgh, The Missional Leadership Institute
The Roman Catholic lay leader / Sharon Henderson Callahan, Seattle University
Roman Catholic ordained leadership / Barbara Williams Eckert, Catholic Leadership Institute
Christian biblical understandings of leadership / Dwight J. Zscheile, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
Understanding Jewish biblical leadership / Daniel A. Weiner, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle
Qur'anic leadership bases: prophets as visionary leaders in challenging times / Louay M. Safi, Georgetown University and University of Hamid Ben Khalifa, Doha, Qatar
African American Islamic leadership / Aminah Beverly McCloud, DePaul University
Muslim leadership in the U.S. context / Altaf Husain, Howard University
Rabbinic leadership and the future of the American Jewish community / Sid Schwarz, The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership
Leadership language for the reform Rabbinate / Madelyn Mishkin Katz, Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles
Leadership within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints / Robert L. Millet and John Hilton III, Brigham Young University
Leading historically black church congregations / Mary Dana Hinton, Mount Saint Mary College
Leading black Baptist churches / Donnie Moreland, Prairie View A&M University
Native American leadership / Ted Fortier, Seattle University
Latin American congregational leadership / Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Esperanza College of Eastern University
Hawaiian religious leadership / Regina R. Pfeiffer, Chaminade University of Honolulu
Leadership in a new church / David T. Olson, Evangelical Covenant Church
Buddhist leadership in the United States / Phramaha Boonshoo Sriburin, Wat Dhammaram, Chicago
Spotlights. Women leaders in Evangelical congregations / Jo Ann Deasy, Sojourner Covenant Church, Evanston, Illinois
Pentecostal female pastors / Deborah M. Gill and Ava K. Oleson, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Women leaders in mainline Protestant churches / Barbara Brown Zikmund, Hartford Seminary (retired)
Women leaders in Asian American Protestant churches / Su Yon Pak, Union Theological Seminary
Buddhist women and religious leadership / Karma Lekshe Tsomo, University of San Diego
Modern and contemporary trends in Muslim women's leadership / Shenila Khoja-Moolji, Columbia University; Celene Ayat Lizzio, Harvard University
African American women leaders / Michael D. Royster, Prairie View A&M University
Women leaders in Judaism / Susan Grossman, Congregation Beth Shalom, Columbia, Maryland
Roman Catholic women leaders: "by their fruits you shall know them" / Diane Kennedy, Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois
Part III. Religious leaders and the common good. The common good / Christie T. Lynk, The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology
Spirit-inspired leadership and the common good worldview / Bill Grace, Common Good Works
Catholic leadership for global citizenship / Marie Dennis, Pax Christi International
Women religious for social justice / Simone Campbell, NETWORK, Washington, DC
Religious leaders who have advocated and engaged in violence / Jeffrey Ian Ross, University of Baltimore; Owen Anderson, Arizona State University
VOLUME TWO : Religous leaders' formation and public contributions. Part IV. Dialogue and action for the common good and peacebuilding. Intercultural leadership. Christian leadership for multicultural inclusion / Eric H. F. Law, Kaleidoscope Institute for Competent leadership in a diverse, changing world
Leadership for reconciliation / Robert Schreiter, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
Religious leadership for social change / Mark Lau Branson, Fuller Theological Seminary
Gender, identity, and inclusive leadership / Stephen V. Sprinkle, Brite Divinity School
Jewish leadership for interreligious dialogue / Tracy Sayuki Tiemeier, Loyola Marymount University
Muslim leadership for social action / M.S. Pourfarzaneh, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California
Leading action for common good. American Jewish world service / Jordan Namerow and Ruth Messinger, American Jewish World Service
Sojourners / Timothy King, Sojourners Community
Leading Evangelicals for social action / Al Tizon, Palmer Theological Seminary
Building peace: religious leadership in divided communities / Janna Hunter-Bowman and John Paul Lederach, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame
The salvation army / Robert A. Watson, The Salvation Army
Religious leadership in the Catholic peace movement / Tom Cordaro, Pax Christi USA
Spotlights. World vision / Gary VanderPol, Denver Seminary
Catholic relief services: fostering integral human development through charity in truth / Jeffry Odell Korgen, Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey
Islamic relief / Rhea Rahman, The New School for Social Research
Leadership by the Deaf Community for social change / Nancy Anne Marie Delich, Seattle University
Environment, sustainability, and eco-justice. Christian leadership toward sustainable earth-human relations / Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Seattle University; Frederica Helmiere, University of Washington
The Jewish response to environmental action / Alon Tal, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Islamic leadership for sustainability / Ibrahim Salih Abdul-Matin, The Frontier Project
Zen Buddhist ecological leadership: just teach the withered trees to bloom / Jason M. Wirth, Seattle University
Spotlights: leaders who have shaped religious dialogue. Archbishop Desmond Tutu / Michael Battle, PeaceBattle Institute
Archbishop Oscar Romero: the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep / Scott Wright, TASSC International, Washington, DC
Howard Thurman: intercultural and interreligious leader / Walter Earl Fluker, Boston University
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. / Noel Leo Erskine, Emory University
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: prophetic leadership confronts the 20th century / Brian M. Smollett, Hunter College, City University of New York
Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan / Zach Mann, The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise / Mark A. Raider, University of Cincinnati
The orthodox rabbinate and interfaith dialogue / Marc D. Angel, Institute for Jewish ideas and ideals
Dalai Lama / Derek F. Maher, East Carolina University
Thich Nhat Hanh / Elise Anne DeVido, Cornell University Law School
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: a model for religious leadership in the 21st century / Vincent J. Pastro, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Kent, Washington
Very Reverend Sang Chul Lee: a legacy of justice and hospitality / Mari Kim, Pacific Lutheran University
Fethullah Gulen and the Gulen movement / Turan Kayaoglu, University of Washington, Tacoma
Elijah Muhammad / Fatimah Fanusie, Independent 20th-century U.S. historian
Dorothy Day: leader of the Catholic worker movement / Thomas C. Cornell, The Catholic Worker Farm, Marlboro, New York
Karen Armstrong: a journey toward God / Gretchen Gundrum, Seattle University
Imam Warith Deen Mohammed / Aminah Beverly McCloud, DePaul University
Mary Baker Eddy: leadership and spiritual practice / Thomas C. Johnsen, independent scholar
Part V. Processes and directions for leadership formation. General trends and emerging models across Christian denominations / Barbara G. Wheeler, Auburn Theological Seminary
Forming interreligious and intercultural leaders / Eleanor Moody-Shepherd, New York Theological Seminary
Formation of Christian leaders: forming faithful and just actions for the sake of the world / Kyle J.A. Small, Western Theological Seminary
Leadership development in the American Jewish community / David Teutsch, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Formation and education of Muslim leaders / Quaiser Abdullah, Temple University
Educating and forming Latino/a populations for leadership in the Christian church / Joanne Rodriguez, Hispanic Theological Initiative
Forming Asian leaders for North American churches / Stacy D. Kitahata, Krista Foundation for Global Citizenship; Laura Mariko Cheifetz, The fund for theological education
Part VI. Religious leaders reforming traditions. Mystics as reformers / Valerie Lesniak, Seattle University
New forms of Evangelical leadership / Soong-Chan Rah, North Park Theological Seminary, Chicago
Postcolonial insights for religious leadership / Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University
Islamic reformers in North America / Muqtedar Khan and Marvin Whitaker, University of Delaware
Roman Catholic reformers / Robert McClory, Northwestern University
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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- Created July 27, 2020
- 9 revisions
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