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National Theatre, Louis A. Lotito, managing director, the American University Concerts, Patrick Hayes, managing director "RWB: The Royal Winnipeg Ballet of Canada," under the distinguished patronage of his excellency, the right honourable Vincent Massey, C.H., Governor General of Canada, Gweneth Lloyd, artistic director, Betty Farrally, producer-ballet mistress, Henry Guettel, general manager, guest artists Alicia Markova and Roman Jasinski (will dance Feb. 10, 12 and 13 eves.), musical director: Eric Wild, pianists: Henrietta Pelta and Richard Ellis, tour stage director: David Yeddeau, wardrobe mistress: Constance Officer, "Casse Noisette (Pas de Deux)," Tchaikowsky, choreography: Petipa, Ivanov, costumes Clarice Hardisty and Joseph Chrabas.
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Edition Notes
National Theatre, week beginning Monday, February 8, 1954, Wednesday matinee, February 10, Saturday matinee, Feb. 13.
Title devised by Library staff.
"RWB, The Royal Winnipeg Ballet of Canada, guest artists Alicia Markova & Roman Jasinski"--Cover.
Cast (Wednesday matinee): Marilyn Young, Arnold Spohr.
Cast (Saturday matinee): Jean Stoneham, Arnold Spohr.
With: Ballet premier. Issued together.
LC copy shelved under: Royal Winnipeg Ballet.
In: Richard L. Coe Theater Programs Collection (Library of Congress).
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- Created September 25, 2020
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