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Theresienstadt – Auschwitz – Schwarzheide: Das sind die Leidensstationen des jungen tschechischen Künstlers Alfred Kantor in den Jahren 1941-1945. Im Juli 1945, zehn Wochen nach der Befreiung aus dreieinhalb Jahre dauernder Haft in Lagern des NS-Regimes, kam der damals zweiundzwanzigjährige Kantor nach Deggendorf in ein Lager für »Displaced Persons«. Dort schuf er in etwa zwei Monaten die in diesem Band vorgelegten 127 mit Wasserfarben kolorierten Zeichnungen, die er in einem von einem Buchbinder eigens angefertigten Buch mit leeren Blättern eintrug.
(Quelle: Suhrkamp Verlag)
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Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Concentration camps in art, Personal narratives, Concentration camps, Pictorial works, German Prisoners and prisons, Prisoners and prisons, German, World War, 1939-1945, Theresienstadt (Concentration camp), Auschwitz (Concentration camp), Schwarzheide (Concentration camp), World war, 1939-1945, prisoners and prisons, german, Internment camps in art, Nazi concentration camps in artPlaces
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
Das Buch des Alfred Kantor.
November 1, 1991, Jüdischer Verlag
in German
3633540423 9783633540426
The book of Alfred Kantor: an artist's journal of the Holocaust
1987, Schocken Books
in English
0805240292 9780805240290
The book of Alfred Kantor: an artist's journal of the holocaust
1987, Piatkus
in English
0861885929 9780861885923
Das Buch des Alfred Kantor
1972, Molden Verlag
in German
- 1. Auflage
3217004612 9783217004610
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6 |
7 |
8 |
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Work Description
In his book, The Book of Alfred Kantor, there are the 127 sketches and paintings most of which he had made while in the three concentration camps he was imprisoned in. The art in the book depicts the history Kantor witnessed like the infamous chief physician, Josef Mengele in his Nazi Uniform. Others in the book were re-creations since not all art was encouraged in the concentration camps. It was first published in 1971 by McGraw-Hill and the second edition was published in 1987 by Schocken Books.
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- Created March 27, 2021
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18 hours ago | Edited by Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten | links |
December 19, 2024 | Edited by Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten | add IDs |
August 21, 2022 | Edited by Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten | BookBrainz |
March 27, 2021 | Edited by Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten | german edition of 1972 |
March 27, 2021 | Created by Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten | Added new book. |