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Canon law, Legal maxims (Canon law)Book Details
Edition Notes
Discussion, with their alphabetically rearranged texts included in the Index regularum huius tituli on verso of t.p., of the 88 rules formulated at end of title 12 of book 5 of Liber sextus decretalium. Its beginning and the alphabetical order adopted agree with the many times printed Quaestiones mercuriales super regulis iuris (cf. GW 1734-1741); its end (and other parts of the text?) does not (ends: ... suae saluti provideantur quod faciliter possunt, supra de simonia c. ult., et est huic fini simile supra eo. lib. de electio., fundamenta, [sec.] proinde). Identically ending text appeared previously in Lyon in 1536 with title Novella (Joa. An.) in titulum De regulis iuris.
Part of a program of newly publishing Giovanni d'Andrea's 14th-cent. commentaries ("Novellae") on the official collections of papal decretals (In primum Decretalium librum ..., etc.). The volumes appeared each with its own t.p., without sequential designation, and apparently without a collective title.
Publisher's device on t.p. (the three Graces with motto "Virtus in omni re dominatur," Zappella fig. 694).
Signatures: A-L⁸ M¹⁰. Two-column layout.
The "index locupletissimus" to the work is included, combined with that to Andrea's Novella super VI Decretalium, as second part of the separately published, with same imprint, "Index rerum, verborum, et sententiarum memorabilium in commentarios Io. And. in quinque libros Decretalium, Sextum, & Mercuriales".
With: Giovanni d'Andrea. Joannis Andreae ... In sextum Decretalium librum nouella commentaria. Venetiis : Apud Haeredem Hieronymi Scoti, 1612. Issued together?
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 4 revisions
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December 8, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
February 4, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
February 2, 2010 | Edited by ImportBot | Found a matching Library of Congress MARC record |
April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from Scriblio MARC record |