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Fifth issue of the long running and prestigious illustrated periodical which includes many advertisements for popular medical, hygiene and food products including Lloyd's Acaia Charcoal (for indigestion), Southalls' Sanitary Towels, Salike tea, Epp's cocoa, Armour's extract of beef, Hydrlene soap powder, Brown patent dermathistic corsets, Frame Food (for invalids and children), Benson's plaster (coughs, sciatica, rheumatism), Harness' electropathic belts (the Medical Battery Company), Chivers' fruit jellies, Professor D.L. Dowd's Health Exerciser, Frazer's Sulphur Tablets, Dr. Jaeger's sanitary woollen system clothing, Coraline Corsets, Bates' Sulphur Salt (for pimples), Trilene Tablets (for obesity), Benger's Food for infants and invalids, Fry's cocoa, Bragg's Vegetable Charcoal (dyspepsia), Brooke's Monkey Brand Soap, Rowland's Odonto (tooth whitener), Allen & Hanbury's castor oil and infants' food, Bird's Custard Powder, Callard & Bowser's butter-scotch, Lea & Perrins' sauce, Cadbury's cocoa and Pears' soap.
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