ABC's of raising an entitled child

how to make monsters out of miracles

ABC's of raising an entitled child
Jim Fay, Jim Fay

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December 12, 2009 | History

ABC's of raising an entitled child

how to make monsters out of miracles

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Ask for nothing
Bend your values
Don't expect them to contribute
Excuse their rudeness
Feed their minds junk
Give in to peer pressure
Hound them
Indulge them
Jam their schedules
Keep up with the Joneses
Lecture and threaten
Make their lives easy
Never let them fail
Open your wallet
Pick up their slack
Quit fighting for what you believe in
Right their wrongs
Save them from consequences
Take responsibility for their problems
Underestimate them
Value what's cool
Warn them
X-pect very little
Yell and scream
Zero out your bank account.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Published in
Golden, CO


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
BF723.E37 F385 2005

The Physical Object

p. cm.

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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December 12, 2009 Edited by WorkBot link works
May 14, 2009 Edited by ImportBot Found a matching Library of Congress MARC record
October 31, 2008 Edited by ImportBot add URIs from original MARC record
April 1, 2008 Created by an anonymous user Imported from Scriblio MARC record