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On yedi yaşında olmasına rağmen Charlotte Davis travma dolu bir hayat yaşamıştır. Babasının ölümünden sonra annesinin istismarına ve şiddetine maruz kalır, en yakın arkadaşının intihar girişimi ile ise tamamen yıkılır.
Bu kadar acı ve travma Charlotte’u bir sorgulamaya iter: Belki de tüm bunlarla başa çıkmak için paramparça bir kız olması gerekiyordur?
Her yeni yara onu biraz daha duygusuzlaştırsa da acı çekmeye devam eder. Peki, uçurumun kenarından dönmek için bu acıların yaşanması gerekli midir?
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Children's fiction, Emotions, fiction, Survival, fiction, Homeless persons, fiction, Child sexual abuse, fiction, Self-mutilation, fiction, Emotional problems, Survival, Abandoned children, Fiction, Homeless persons, Cutting (Self-mutilation), Sex crimes, Sexual abuse, nyt:young-adult-hardcover=2016-09-25, New York Times bestseller, Juvenile fiction, Suicidal behavior, Absentee fathers, Abusive mothers, Emotions, fiction, Child sexual abuse, Self-mutilation, nyt:young-adult-paperback-monthly=2023-07-02, nyt:young-adult-paperback-monthly=2023-04-16Showing 2 featured editions. View all 19 editions?
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Girl in Pieces
Aug 30, 2016, Delacorte Press
in English
- First edition
1524700800 9781524700805
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The Physical Object
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Work Description
Charlotte Davis is in pieces. At 17 she's already lost more than most people do in a lifetime. But she's learned how to forget. The broken glass washes away the sorrow until there is nothing but calm. You don't have to think about your father and the river. Your best friend, who is gone forever. Or your mother, who has nothing left to give you.
Every new scar hardens Charlie's heart just a little more, yet it still hurts so much. It hurts enough to not care anymore, which is sometimes what has to happen before you can find your way back from the edge.
A deeply moving portrait of a girl in a world that owes her nothing, and has taken so much, and the journey she undergoes to put herself back together. Kathleen Glasgow's debut is heartbreakingly real and unflinchingly honest. It's a story you won't be able to look away from.
Community Reviews (7)
- Created October 28, 2021
- 3 revisions
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