An edition of Iraq at the crossroads (2003)

Iraq at the crossroads

state and society in the shadow of regime change

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August 20, 2024 | History
An edition of Iraq at the crossroads (2003)

Iraq at the crossroads

state and society in the shadow of regime change

A US-led assault on Iraq will have unpredictable and possibly profound effects on Iraqi society. Moreover, those effects will vary with the objectives and strategy adopted by the US and its allies as well as by the pace and scope of the collapse of Iraqi resistance. Further, the reach of Washington's post-war objectives has not yet been settled. Given these multiple sources of uncertainty, understanding the relationship between Iraqi society and the Iraqi state after three decades of Ba'ath rule is all the more crucial to the success of post-war efforts to reconstruct the country and reconstitute its political system. Yet that relationship is poorly understood in the West. The Iraq of today cannot easily be mapped on to a neat diagram of sect, tribe, or party. The rentier structure of the state economy, the regime's manipulation of group identity to control the population, the emergence of a shadow state that distributes public goods to advance regime interests, and pervasive violence have transformed Iraq's socio-political landscape into dangerous and unfamiliar ground for intervention. These essays delineate the options now being debated in Washington and provide up-to-date assessments of how Iraqi state and society will respond to the impact of war and the removal of a deeply-rooted authoritarian regime.

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Iraq at the Crossroads
Iraq at the Crossroads: State and Society in the Shadow of Regime Change
2017, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Iraq at the Crossroads
Iraq at the Crossroads: State and Society in the Shadow of Regime Change
2013, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Iraq at the Crossroads
Iraq at the Crossroads: State and Society in the Shadow of Regime Change
2013, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Iraq at the Crossroads
Iraq at the Crossroads: State and Society in the Shadow of Regime Change
2013, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Iraq at the Crossroads
Iraq at the Crossroads: State and Society in the Shadow of Regime Change
2013, Routledge
in English
Cover of: Iraq at the Crossroads
Iraq at the Crossroads: State and Society in the Shadow of Regime Change
2013, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
Cover of: Iraq at the crossroads
Iraq at the crossroads: state and society in the shadow of regime change
2003, Oxford University Press for the International Institute for Strategic Studies
in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

America's war on Iraq / Judith S. Yaphe
Possible US-led campaign against Iraq / David Ochamanek
Cake walk , coup or urban warfare / Toby Dodge
Few days after / Isam al Khafaji
Saddam's power structure / Amatzia Baram
Iraqi army and anti-army / Faleh A. Jabar
Kurdish dilemma / Gareth R. V. Stansfield
Economy and society in Iraqi Kurdistan / Michiel Leezenberg
Clerics, tribes, ideologues and urban dwellers in the south of Iraq / Faleh A. Jabar.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references.

Published in
London, New York
Adelphi paper,, 354, Adelphi papers ;, no. 354.


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
U162 .A3 vol. 354, DS79.755 .A3 vol. 354, DS79.75, U162 .A3 vol. 354eb, DS79.755 .I83 2003x

The Physical Object

178 p. ;
Number of pages

ID Numbers

Open Library
Internet Archive
852159196, 53059548, 51315948
Library Thing

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