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A set of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment of the Practice of Midwifery: with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases
1793, By Isaiah Thomas. Sold at his bookstore in Worcester; [by said Thomas, and Andrews, Boston; and by said Thomas, and Carlisle, in Walpole, Newhampshire]
in English
- First Worcester edition / with an entire new set of plates.
A set of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment of the practice of midwifery: with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases
1787, Printed for Charles Elliot; and C. Elliot and Co., at Cullen's Head, Strand, London
in English
- New ed., carefully corrected and revised; with notes and illustrations, ... / by A. Hamilton.
A set of anatomical tables with explanations and an abridgment of the practice of midwifery
1785, C. Elliot
in English
- New ed.
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Edition Notes
"Additional table, number XL, by the late Dr. Thomas Young, with improvements by Dr. Hamilton": p. 82-84.
Austin, R.B. Early Amer. medical imprints, 1755.
ESTC W2493.
Evans, 26166.
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- Created March 10, 2022
- 1 revision
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