An edition of Don't Settle for Safe (2017)

Don't Settle for Safe

Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable

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Don't Settle for Safe
Sarah Jakes Roberts, Sarah Jak ...

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September 17, 2022 | History
An edition of Don't Settle for Safe (2017)

Don't Settle for Safe

Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable

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Popular speaker and author Sarah Jakes Roberts shows women they are not disqualified by their pain and failures and offers encouragement and strength to believe God's best is still possible. Everyone has experiences in their lives that stop them in their tracks and become burdens they carry with them everywhere they go. No one knows this better than Sarah Jakes Roberts. Pregnant at fourteen, married by nineteen, divorced by twenty-two, and all while under the intense spotlight of being Bishop T.D. Jakes's daughter, Sarah knows what it is to feel buried by failure and aching pain. But when her journey brought her to faith's fork in the road, Sarah found she had to choose between staying in the comfort of the pain she knew or daring to make new wounds and move forward. Now Sarah shares the numerous life lessons she's learned along the way with other women also struggling to believe they're not disqualified by their pain and past mistakes. She delves into topics such as allowing the past to empower the present, choosing to step forward while still being afraid, facing struggles surrounded by community, finding intimacy with God outside preconceived notions of what it has to look like, and learning to focus on others. With deeply personal stories of her own, Sarah helps readers find their way to the right perspective and the confidence to walk toward the best God has for them. - Publisher.

"Discover how to let your past empower your present, let go of shame, shed insecurities, find intimacy, and lead others to a better life." - Jacket flap.

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Cover of: Don't Settle for Safe
Don't Settle for Safe: Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable
Apr 17, 2018, Thomas Nelson
Cover of: Don't Settle for Safe
Don't Settle for Safe: embracing the uncomfortable to become unstoppable
2017, Nelson Books, an imprint of Thomas Nelson
Hardcover in English
Cover of: Don't Settle for Safe
Don't Settle for Safe: Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable
2017, Nelson Incorporated, Thomas
in English
Cover of: Don't Settle for Safe
Don't Settle for Safe: Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable
2017, Nelson Incorporated, Thomas
in English

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