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Detenido por las tropas franquistas en 1937 cuando estaba en Málaga como corresponsal extranjero para cubrir la guerra civil, y condenado a muerte por espionaje, Arthur Koestler esperó durante tres meses su ejecución en la cárcel de Sevilla. Un testamento español, publicado por primera vez en Inglaterra en 1937, relata en forma de diálogo carcelario esa espera, ese diálogo consigo mismo, esa meditación sobre la vida y la muerte de la que Koestler, hombre de acción, no se podía librar. Las circunstancias en las que esas páginas se publicaron obligaron en aquella época a Koestler a silenciar ciertos hechos esenciales, en particular su pertenencia al partido comunista, sus vínculos con el Komintern y sus relaciones con los republicanos españoles. En 1966, Koestler decidió corregir sus memorias y presentar al lector una versión completa de los acontecimientos rebautizda como Diálogo con la muerte.
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History, Personal narratives, Prisoners and prisons, Spanish Civil War, Biography, Journalists, Imprisonment, Political prisonersPeople
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983)Places
1936-1939Showing 14 featured editions. View all 14 editions?
Edition | Availability |
Dialogue with Death: The Journal of a Prisoner of the Fascists in the Spanish Civil War
Apr 01, 2011, University of Chicago Press
0226449610 9780226449616
Diálogo con la muerte: Un testamento español
2004, Amaranto
Tapa dura
in Spanish
8493145769 9788493145767
03 |
Ein spanisches Testament: mit Vorworten des Verfassers und der Herzogin von Atholl.
1980, Fischer Taschenbuchverlag
in German
3596222524 9783596222520
Dialogue With Death the Journal of a Condemned Prisoner of the Fascists in the Spanish Civil War Danube Edition
1967-01-01, Macmillan Company
06 |
07 |
08 |
09 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
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Arrested by Franco's troops in 1937 while he was in Malaga as a foreign correspondent covering the civil war, and sentenced to death for espionage, Arthur Koestler awaited his execution in Seville prison for three months. *A Spanish Testament’, first published in England in 1937, recounts in the form of a prison dialogue this waiting, this dialogue with himself, this meditation on life and death from which Koestler, a man of action, could not escape. The circumstances in which these pages were published at the time forced Koestler to silence certain essential facts, in particular his membership of the Communist Party, his links with the Komintern and his relations with the Spanish Republicans. In 1966, Koestler decided to correct his memoirs and present the reader with a complete version of the events, renamed Dialogue with Death.
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