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"It" is a 1986 horror novel by American author Stephen King. "It" was his 22nd book and his 17th novel written under his own name. The story follows the experiences of seven children as they are terrorized by an evil entity that exploits the fears of its victims to disguise itself while hunting its prey. "It" primarily appears in the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown to attract its preferred prey of young children.
The novel won the British Fantasy Award in 1987, and received nominations for the Locus and World Fantasy Awards that same year.
In 2003, "It" was listed at number 144 on the BBC's The Big Read poll.
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coming of age, thrillers, suspense, horror, Schwinn bicycles, catatonia, homosexuality, blood oaths, Omniscience, mummies, lepers, ghosts, we, clownrewolves, nonlinear narrative, third-person, Open Library Staff Picks, Fiction, Good and evil, horror stories, horror tales, Horror fiction, Reading Level-Grade 9, Reading Level-Grade 11, Reading Level-Grade 10, Reading Level-Grade 12, nyt:trade-fiction-paperback=2017-09-03, New York Times bestseller, New York Times reviewed, Fiction, horror, American literaturePeople
IT, Losers Club, Aristotle, Atilla the Hun, Batman, Bip, Bobby, Bop, Bozo, Buffalo Bob, Chilly Willy, Jesus Christ, Christine, Clarabel, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Curley, Daffy Duck, Danny and the Juniors, Dead Bugs, Def Leppard, Dewey, Dracula, Elija, Fabian, Fozzie Bear, God, Ham, Hansel, Hercules, Huey, Iron Maiden, Jack the Ripper, Jonesy, Judas Priest, King Ahaz, Kinky Briefcase Sexual Accountant, Larry, Legion, Louie, Madonna, Moe, Moses, Mr. Chips, Noah, Oscar the Grouch, Pennywise, Pig Pen, Pinocchio, Popeye, Prince, Shep and the Limelights, Silver, Snuffy, Socrates, Superman, Tom Terrific, Twisted Sister, Annie, Billy, Dave, Debbie, Delores, Demetrios, Fortuna, Hilda, Hoyt, Lesley, Margaret, Mary, Rhoda, Rose, Ruby, Sandy, Sean, Doc Abelson, Ansel Adams, Adler, Lisa Albrecht, Mel Allen, Allingham, Bruce Andeen, Paul Anderson, Andrews Sisters, Buddy Angstrom, Paul Anka, Stork Anson, Susan B. 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Rap Brown, James Brown, Susan Browne, Bruckner, Branson Buddinger, Paul Bunyan, Burke, George Bush, Floyd Calderwood, Haystack Calhoun, Freddy Cannon, Butch Carrington, Alberton Carson, Johnny Carson, Mr. Carson, Mrs. Casey, Delia Castleman, Parcick Caudy, Edgar Cayce, Sam Chacowica, John Cheever, Chopin, Chords, Calvin Clark, Carlton Clark, Cissy Clark, Dick Clark, Matthew Clements, MR. Clements, Mrs. Clements, Clarence Clemons, Grover Cleveland, Coasters, Eddie Chochran, Gregory Cole, Mrs. Cole, Perry Como, Cal Conklin, Joe Conklin, Conley, Dewey Conroy, Gary Conway, Dorsey Corcoran, Edward L. Corcoran. 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Eisenhower, Mrs. Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mr. Engstrom, Dennis Etchison, Dale Evans, Marcia Fadden, Falkland, Jerry Falwell, William Faulkner, Armando Fazio, Mr. Fazio, Carol Feeny, Henry Gregor Felsen, John Feury, W.C. Fields, Freddie Firestone, Stella Flanagan, Grandmaster Flash, Fleetwoods, Fogarty, Raymond Fogarty, Frankie Ford, Charles Fort, Chuck Foster, Ralph Foster, Foxy Foxworth, Foxworthy, Dick Francis, Victor Frankenstein, Frank Frick, Fricke, Robert Frost, Elmer Fudd, Major Fuller, Annette Funicello, Clark Gable, Peter Gabriel, Mrs. Gant, Dave Gardener, Harold Gardener, Mrs. Gardener, Senator Garner, Garton, John Webber Garton, Bob Gautier, Mr. Gautier, Marvin Gaye, Mr. Gedreau, Dr. Geffen, Ellie Geiger, Mr. Gendron, Dizzy Gillespie, Arnie Ginsberg, Dr. Gladry, Ruth Gladry, William Goldman, Jimmy Gordon, Peter Grodon, Grateful Dead, Miss Gray, Robert Gray, Mrs. Greenguss, David Grenier, Mr. Gresham, Veronica Grogan, Bryant Gumble, Don Hagaraty, Dr. HAle, John Hall, Dick Hallorann, M.K. Handey, Russ Handor, Howard Hanlon, Jessica Hanlon, Michael Hanlon, Mr. Hanlon, Phillip Loubird Hanlon, Sharley Hanlon, William Hanlon, Arlene Hanscom, Benjamin Hanscom, Fenton Hardy, Frank Hardy, Joe HArdy, Dr. Harkavay, Randi Harlengen, David Hartwell, Marie Hauser, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Jimi Hendrix, Mrs. Henley, Tim Henley, Patrick Henry, Claude Heroux, Alfred Hitchcock, Hitler, Adolf, in fiction, Avery Hocksetter, Mr. Hocksetter, Patrick Hocksetter, Buddy Holly, Jeffrey Holly, Sherlock Holmes, Herbert Hoover, Mrs. Hoover, Phyllis Housefly, Richie Huber, Reginald Huggins, Paul Hughes, Patrick Humboldt, Hubert Humphrey, H.L. Hunt, Chet Huntley, Innes, John Irving, Judas Iscariot, Isley Brothers, Ives Burl, Sandy Ives, Michael Jackson, Mr. Jacbois, Bruc Jagermeyer, Gard Jagermeyer, Henry Jeames, Dr. Jarvis, Miss Jimmison, Steven Johnson, Joker, Reverend Jollyn, Jim Jones, Spike Jones, Mrs. Josephs, Boris Karloff, Eddie Kaspbrak, Frank Kasbrak, Myra Kasbrak, Sonia Kaspbrak, Andrew Keene, Mrs. Keene, Norbert Keene, Bobby Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Mr. Kerpaskian, Mr. Kersh, Mrs. Kersh, Nikita Khruschev, Brent Kilgallon, Kilgallon, Mr. Kilgallon, Eddie King, Mrs. King, Buford Kissdrivel, Carl Kitchner, Mr. Kitchner, John Koontz, Andrea Lamonica, Cheryl Lamonica, Mark Lamonica, Mr. Lamonica, Mrs. Lamonica, Elsa Lanchester, Michael Landon, Frank Langella, George Langlahan, Larsen, Mack Laughlin, Francis Lederer, Lee, Christopher Lee, Mr. Lee, Ricky Lee, Vivien Leigh, John Lennon, Roger Lernerd, Jerry Lee Lewis, Heather Libby, Reverend Libby, Abraham Lincoln, Phil Linnot, Charlotte Littlefield, Guy Lombardo, London, Jack, in fiction, Lone Ranger, Lottmann, H.P. Lovecraft, Chad Lowe, Luces, Robert Ludlum, Bela Lugosi, Frankie Lymon, Goose Machen, Frank MAchen, Lal Machen, Anita MacKenzie, Monica Macklin, Richard P. Macklin, Guy Madison, Vernon Maitland, Gret Mallory, Arthur Malloy, Barry Manilow, Markson, John Markson, Biff Marlow, Marsh, Alvin Marsh, Beverly Marsh, Elfrida Marsh, Karl Massenik, Richard Matheson, Dan Matthews, Kay McCall, Gener McCarthy, Everett McCaslin, Gerry McCrew, Tinker McCutcheon, Ronald McDonald, Father McDowell, Stick McGhee, Mr. McKibbon, Freeman McNeil, John Cougar Mellencamp, Adrian Mellon, Harold Metcalf, Michaud, Billy Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Marilyn Monroe, Keith Moon, Mrs. Moran, Scooter Morgan, Ronnie Moron, Barney Morrison, Jim Morrison, Vic Morrow, Erhardt K. Moulton, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Horst Mueller, Mr. Mueller, Sally Mueller, William Mueller, Mummy, Thurman Munson, Audie, Reggie Nadler, Alfie Naugler, Trace Naugler, Aloysius Nell, Maureen Nell, Mrs. Nelson, Pat Nixon, Richard Nixon, Nostradamus, Sergeant O'Bannon, Ashley O'Brian, Mike O'Hara, Patty O'Hara, Father O'Staggers, Joyce Carol Oates, Phil Ochs, George Orwell (1903-1950), Ozzy Osbourne, Al Pacino, Peter Pan, Don Pardo, Fess Barker, Bucky Pasquale, Patton, Joe Paulson, Rebecca Paulson, Norman Vincent Peale, Doc Pearson, Mr. Peepers, Penguins, Richard Penniman, Anthony Perkins, Carl Perkins, Jack Pershing, Audra Phillips, Owen Phillips, Philpott, Audrey Philpott, Pickman, Jake Pinette, Piscapo, Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), Pope, Mr. Porter Mrs. Portleigh, Mark Prenderlist, Elvis Presley, Adrian Radamacher, Andrew Rademacher, Mrs. Rademacher, Richard D. 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Simpson, Alan Snopes, Carl Snow, Steven Spielberg, Spinners, Jack Sprat, Bruce Springsteen, Shorty Squires, Aubrey Stacey, Eben Stampnell, Vernon Stanchfield Starkweather, Barbaba Starrett, Stavier, Ace Stevenson, Dr. steward, Dr. Stilwagon, Anne Stuart, Ed Sullivan, Jim Sullivan, Sully, Supremes, Jacqueline Susan, Mr. T, Taliendo, Vincent Caruso Taliendo, Joe Temmerly, Bob Tanner, Mr. Tanner, Cheryl Tarrent, Mr. Tarrent, Elizabeth Taylor, Adam Terrault, Becky Thatcher, Lars Theramenius, Mrs. Theramenius, Olaf Theramenius, Mrs. Thibodeau, Mrs. Thomas, Phil Thomas, Seth Thomas, Bobby Thomson, Egbert Thoroughgood, Kenneth Toby, Dennis Torrio, Maggie Tozier, Richard Tozier, Wentworth Tozier, Hamilton Tracker, Phil Tracker, Tony Tracker, Tremont, Mr. Tremont, Forest Tucker, Turtle, Conway Twitty, Christopher Phillip Unwin, John Updike (1932-2009), Andrea Uris, Donald Uris, Jenny Uris, Patricia Uris, Stanley Uris, Richie Valens, Charlie Van Doren, Mrs. Van Prett, Pancho Vanilla, Peter Vanness, Varney, tommy Vicananza, Gene Vincent, Daddy Warbucks, George Washington, Mr. Waters, John H. Watson, John Wayne, Jack Webb, Mrs. Weems, Lawrence Welk, H.G. Wells, Arlen Weston, Whitman, Bredley Whitsun, Henry Whitsun, Ted Williams, Wilson, woodrow Wilson, Horst Winterbarger, Laurie Ann Winterbarger, Jim Witt, Coach Woodleigh, Homicidal bag-boy Wyatt, Zinnerman, Alfred ZitnerPlaces
Derry, Maine, Barrens, Macroverse, Earth, England, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Nebraska, Atlanta, GeorgiaShowing 11 featured editions. View all 95 editions?
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1998?, Signet
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- 1st Signet printing (49)
0451169514 9780451169518
1990, Signet
mass market paperback
in English
- First Signet Printing (20)
0451169514 9780451169518
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08 |
1987-09, New American Library
mass market paperback
in English
- 1st Signet printing (16)
0451159276 9780451159274
10 |
11 |
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