An edition of Weather Maps (1995)

Weather Maps

How to read and Interpret All the Basic Weather Charts

Second Edition

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Last edited by MARC Bot
November 26, 2020 | History
An edition of Weather Maps (1995)

Weather Maps

How to read and Interpret All the Basic Weather Charts

Second Edition

This book describes all of the basic weather maps used used in contemporary operational weather forecasting. It is written for the non-meteorologist as well as for the meteorologist. The chapters are written in an easy-to-read format and embody explanations of meteorological principles and processes throughout the text. The final few chapters cover advanced topics in the science and are included for the reader who is also interested in new "cutting edge" topics in meteorology.

The book can also be used as a text in meteorology. If the reader starts with chapter one and progresses numerically through each chapter, he / she will find that some chapters build on material presented in previous chapters. Thus, by using weather maps as the means to study meteorology, the science comes alive and remains exciting, especially if you have access to daily weather maps and use them with this book to learn more about the weather.

This book is also a handy reference for professional meteorologists and other weather enthusiasts on how to read and interpret the most commonly-used weather maps.

Publish Date
Chaston Scientific

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Weather Maps
Weather Maps: How to Read & Interpret All the Basic Weather Charts
January 2002, Chaston Scientific Inc
Paperback in English - 3RD edition
Cover of: Weather Maps
Weather Maps: How to read and Interpret All the Basic Weather Charts
1997, Chaston Scientific
Paperback in English - Second Edition
Cover of: Weather maps
Weather maps: how to read and interpret all the basic weather charts
1995, Chaston Scientific
in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

About the Author
1. Some Interesting Highlights in the History of Weather
2. The Surface Weather Map
a. reading plotted weather observations
b. what are isobars?
c. what are high and low pressure centers and systems?
d. what causes the wind? (what is the pressure gradient force?)
e .what are cold, warm, occluded and stationary fronts?
f. interpreting the surface weather map
3. What causes weather?: moisture distribution and vertical air motions
4. The Radar Summary Chart
5. The Weather Depiction Chart
6. The Surface-Pressure Change Chart
7. The Surface "Geostrophic" Wind Chart
8. The Surface "Geostrophic" Velocity Chart
9. The Lightning Detection Summary Chart
10. What are Upper-Level Charts?
11. The 850 Millibar (850 hectoPascal) Level Chart
12. The 700 Millibar (700 hectoPascal) Level Chart
13. The 500 Millibar (500 hectoPascal) Level Chart
14. The 300, 250, and 200 Millibar (hectoPascal) Charts and the Jet Stream
15. What is the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL): PBL Charts
16. Surface-to-500-Millibar Mean Relative Humidity Chart
17. 700 Millibar Vertical Velocity Chart
18. 1000-to-800-Millibar Thickness Chart
19. Precipitable Water Chart
20. Lifted Index Chart
21. K-Index Chart
22. Corrective Outlook for Day 1 Chart
23. Severe Weather Outlook for Day 3 Chart
24. Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) Charts
25. Excessive Rainfall Potential Chart
26. Heavy Snow QPF Chart
27. Satellite Interpretation Chart
28. Freezing Level Plot Chart
29. Freezing Level and Low Level Turbulence Prog
30. 800 Millibar Wave-Five Chart
31. Surface Moisture-Flux Convergence Chart
32. 12 hr, 24 hr, 36 hr and 48 hr Surface Progs
33. Climatological Charts: temperature, rainfall, snowcover
34. Computer Forecast Models and their Prognostications
35. Model Output Statistics (MOS) and MOS Charts
36. Trajectory Charts
37. 700 Millibar Not Vertical Displacement Chart
38. The "Magic Chart" for Snow Forecasting
39. Theta-E and Theta-E Charts
40. Q-Vectors and Q-Vector Charts
41. Potential Vorticity and Potential Vorticity Charts
42. Isentropic Charts
43. Some Miscellaneous Charts
a. Aviation Upper Level Winds Charts
b. Marine Wind and Wave Charts
c. Surface Streamline Charts
d. Tropical Surface Charts
e. Note about other charts
44. Weather Radar
45. Weather Satellite Imagery
a. visible satellite imagery
b. infra-red and enhanced infra-red satellite imagery
c. water vapor imagery
A. METAR/SPECI code for surface weather observations, U.S. version
B. The Skew-T, Log P Thermodynamic Diagrams

Edition Notes

Published in
Kearney, MO


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
QC878 .C48 1997

The Physical Object

vi leaves, 214 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Library Thing

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November 26, 2020 Edited by MARC Bot import existing book
March 2, 2020 Edited by W1TFD Edited without comment.
March 2, 2020 Edited by W1TFD Edited without comment.
March 2, 2020 Edited by W1TFD Added new cover
April 1, 2008 Created by an anonymous user Imported from Scriblio MARC record