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C. Scribner's sons
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The Origin and History of the English Language and of the Early Literature It Embodies
January 15, 2001, Adamant Media Corporation
in English
1402178344 9781402178344
The origin and history of the english language and of the early literature it embodies
1885, C. Scribner's sons
- Rev. ed.
3 |
The origin and history of the English language, and of the early literature it embodies.
1869, C. Scribner & co.
in English
- 3d ed.
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First Sentence
"THE subject of the course upon which I am about to enter will be, as nearly as I am able to express it in a comprehensive title, the Origin and History of the English Language, and of the Early Literature it embodies."
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 4 revisions
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April 14, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Linked existing covers to the edition. |
December 14, 2009 | Edited by WorkBot | link works |
November 22, 2009 | Edited by ImportBot | Found a matching Internet Archive item record |
April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from Internet Archive item record |