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Because Israel is unique in many dimensions, many social scientists consider it a historical peculiarity. Neither East nor West, developed nor undeveloped, capitalist nor socialist, Third World nor First World, Israel has little in common with other countries and their historical experiences.
This book of original essays challenges the image of Israeli uniqueness and the status of the Israeli case and at the same time corrects some common misperceptions about the comparative method in general and case selection in particular. At the same time, it compares Israeli and Arab experiences and addresses critical issues in Middle Eastern studies.
- To challenge the image of Israeli uniqueness, the authors situate Israel's history in comparative context; employ macro-historical concepts both to reexamine the Israeli case and to build bridges between Israel and other historical experiences; and use the Israeli case to reconsider existing social science theories. Israel in Comparative Perspective demonstrates how our understanding of the region can be enriched by using models and theories developed in other regions to reexamine Israeli history.
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Previews available in: English
Politics and government, Foreign relations, Relations extérieures, Politique et gouvernement, POLITICAL SCIENCE, Government, International, International Relations, General, Diplomatic relations, Außenpolitik, Israel, foreign relations, Israel, politics and government, Israel/palestine - history, Israel/palestine - politics & government, Israel - diplomatic relationsEdition | Availability |
Israel in Comparative Perspective: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom (S U N Y Series in Israeli Studies)
February 1996, State University of New York Press, State Univ of New York Pr
in English
0791428311 9780791428313
Israel in Comparative Perspective: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom (Suny Series in Israeli Studies)
February 1996, State University of New York Press
in English
079142832X 9780791428320
Israel in comparative perspective: challenging the conventional wisdom
1996, State University of New York Press
in English
0791428311 9780791428313
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- Created April 29, 2008
- 16 revisions
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