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Rahel et Estha Kochamma, deux jumeaux de huit ans, vivent en Inde, entourés de leur grand-mère, Mammachi, qui fabrique des confitures trop sucrées, de l'oncle Chacko, un coureur de jupons invétéré, esprit romantique converti au marxisme pour les besoins de son portefeuille, de la grand-tante Baby Kochamma, qui nourrit un amour mystique pour un prêtre irlandais, et de leur mère Ammu, désertée par son mari, qui aime secrètement Velutha, un Intouchable. Un drame va ébranler leur existence et les séparer. Comment réagir quand, à huit ans, on vous somme de savoir «qui aimer, comment et jusqu'où» ? Comment survivre quand, après un événement affreux dont on a été témoin, on vous demande de trahir la vérité pour l'amour d'une mère ? Un récit envoûtant, plein d'humour et d'émotion, servi par une écriture neuve et poétique, qui recrée le monde de l'enfance - celui de l'imaginaire et de la liberté.
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Literary Fiction, Women's Fiction, dalit, Catholicism, fraternal twins, Psychological fiction, Domestic fiction, award:man_booker_prize=1997, Fiction, Romance, Twins, Gemelos, Twins in fiction, Literatura de expressão inglesa, Romans, Downing, Cousins, Romans, nouvelles, Man Booker Prize Winner, Classes sociales, India in fiction, Literatura indiana, Social classes, Roman indien (de l'Inde) de langue anglaise, Jumeaux, Family, Social classes in fiction, Ficción, Clases sociales, open_syllabus_project, Literatura de expressäao inglesa, Medicine in Literature, Large type books, French language, Littérature de l'Inde (anglaise), Roman de l'Inde (anglais), Literatura india (Inglés), India, fiction, Fiction, psychological, Twins, fiction, Fiction, family life, Fiction, family life, general, English literature, Fiction, generalPeople
Esthappen, Rahel, Ammu Ipe, Mammachi, Handel, Chacko, Navomi Ipe, Pappachi, Margaret, Father Mulligan, Sophie, Velutha, Estha, collectionID:ConroeChallengeTimes
20e siècle, 1969, 1993Showing 11 featured editions. View all 57 editions?
Edition | Availability |
The God of Small Things
2017, Vintage Canada
in English
- Vintage Canada Edition (1)
0735273286 9780735273283
The God of Small Things
2009, Fourth Estate
in English
- printing (4)
0007880332 9780007880331
03 |
De god van kleine dingen
2004, Pockethuis
in Dutch
- Veertiende druk
9046140539 9789046140536
05 |
06 |
The God of Small Things
1999, HarperPerennial, HarperFlamingo
in English
- First HarperPerennial Edition (17)
0060977493 9780060977498
The God of Small Things
1998, IndiaInk
in English
- paperback edition (3)
8186939024 9788186939024
09 |
10 |
11 |
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Work Description
The God of Small Things is the debut novel of Indian writer Arundhati Roy. It is a story about the childhood experiences of fraternal twins whose lives are destroyed by the "Love Laws" that lay down "who should be loved, and how. And how much." The book explores how the small things affect people's behavior and their lives. The book also reflects its irony against casteism, which is a major discrimination that prevails in India. It won the Booker Prize in 1997.
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- Created April 30, 2008
- 18 revisions
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June 4, 2024 | Edited by WikidataBot | [sync_edition_olids] add wikidata identifier |
December 9, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
June 11, 2021 | Edited by Lisa | added details from linked copy |
June 11, 2021 | Edited by Lisa | Added new cover |
April 30, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from record |