Welcome to the haunting world of Nightmare Hall, a spin-off from the acclaimed Point Horror series. Authored exclusively by Diane Hoh, this collection of 29 spine-chilling books will transport you to Salem University and its infamous off-campus dormitory - Nightingale Hall, known among the students as 'Nightmare Hall'. This ominous, red-brick building, whispered to be the site of a tragic suicide, is the backdrop for a series of sinister events that occur within its gloomy walls.
Originally published under Scholastic's "Point Horror" line from 1993 to 1995, the Nightmare Hall series expertly weaves tales of mystery, terror, and the uncanny. Each book leads you through the unnerving happenings on the university's campus, with Nightmare Hall casting a menacing shadow over every event.
Whether Nightmare Hall is the actual source of the ghastly murders that plague the university remains a chilling mystery, but its spectral presence is felt in every twisted tale. Venture into the heart of terror with Diane Hoh's Nightmare Hall series, and unravel the enigma of Salem University's most feared location.
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- Created April 9, 2023
- 29 revisions
October 16, 2023 | Edited by The_Collector | Edited without comment. |
October 15, 2023 | Edited by The_Collector | Edited without comment. |
October 6, 2023 | Edited by The_Collector | Edited without comment. |
October 6, 2023 | Edited by The_Collector | Edited without comment. |
April 9, 2023 | Created by The_Collector | Edited without comment. |