@Book{OL24217472M, title: {Prose and poetry of England}, publisher: {Singer}, year: {1949}, place: {Syracues, N.Y}, } @Book{OL6069824M, title: {Time of hope}, author: {C. P. Snow}, publisher: {Macmillan}, year: {1950}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24223323M, title: {Walt Whitman's Secret}, author: {Ben Aronin}, publisher: {Argus Books}, year: {1955}, place: {Chicago}, } @Book{OL7066405M, title: {Sister Carrie}, author: {Theodore Dreiser}, publisher: {Grosset \& Dunlap}, year: {1917}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7250704M, title: {Ann Veronica}, author: {H. G. Wells}, publisher: {Harper \& Brothers}, year: {1909}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL22108848M, title: {The idler}, author: {Samuel Johnson}, publisher: {Printed for J. Rivington and Sons, and F. Power, ... , T. Payne and Son, ... , T. Cadell, ... , J. Nichols, ... , and S. Hayes, ...}, year: {1985}, place: {London}, } @Work{OL272228W, title: {Anne of Avonlea}, author: {Lucy Maud Montgomery}, first_publish_year: {1909} } @Work{OL76598W, title: {Mr. Standfast}, author: {John Buchan}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Work{OL1066527W, title: {Plays (How He Lied to Her Husband / John Bull's Other Island / Major Barbara}, author: {George Bernard Shaw}, first_publish_year: {1907} } @Work{OL16308W, title: {The rose and the ring}, author: {William Makepeace Thackeray}, first_publish_year: {1854} } @Work{OL573193W, title: {Sult}, author: {Knut Hamsun and George Egerton and M. B. Ruud and Robert Bly and Paul Auster and Julius Sandmeier and Jan Oliveira and Tore Rem and Terence Cave and Practice Norwegian}, first_publish_year: {1890} } @Work{OL74501W, title: {Before Adam}, author: {Jack London}, first_publish_year: {1906} } @Work{OL144822W, title: {Martin Eden}, author: {Jack London}, first_publish_year: {1908} } @Work{OL137872W, title: {Confessions}, author: {Augustine of Hippo}, first_publish_year: {1482} } @Work{OL276338W, title: {The Golden Bowl}, author: {Henry James}, first_publish_year: {1904} } @Work{OL81289W, title: {The Trespasser}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1912} } @Work{OL634617W, title: {A Shropshire lad}, author: {A. E. Housman}, first_publish_year: {1896} } @Work{OL1130095W, title: {The water-babies}, author: {Charles Kingsley and Charles Kingsley}, first_publish_year: {1863} } @Work{OL74497W, title: {The Star Rover}, author: {Jack London}, first_publish_year: {1915} } @Work{OL8070951W, title: {The Sea-Hawk}, author: {Rafael Sabatini}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL53918W, title: {A Tramp Abroad}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1878} } @Work{OL54158W, title: {The Mysterious Stranger}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1916} } @Work{OL76482W, title: {Heretics}, author: {Gilbert Keith Chesterton}, first_publish_year: {1905} } @Work{OL1847491W, title: {The Enormous Room}, author: {E. E. Cummings}, first_publish_year: {1922} } @Work{OL77972W, title: {The pilot}, author: {James Fenimore Cooper}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL2011725W, title: {The Duchess of Malfi}, author: {John Webster and John Webster and Fred B. Millett and John Russell Brown}, first_publish_year: {1640} } @Work{OL531509W, title: {Troilus and Criseyde}, author: {Geoffrey Chaucer}, first_publish_year: {1483} } @Work{OL891024W, title: {She Stoops to Conquer}, author: {Oliver Goldsmith}, first_publish_year: {1773} } @Work{OL81276W, title: {England, my England}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1915} } @Work{OL38771W, title: {Within the tides}, author: {Joseph Conrad}, first_publish_year: {1915} } @Work{OL98585W, title: {The Custom of the Country}, author: {Edith Wharton}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL2430777W, title: {Poems}, author: {George Crabbe}, first_publish_year: {1807} } @Work{OL276397W, title: {The Wings of the Dove}, author: {Henry James}, first_publish_year: {1902} } @Work{OL863809W, title: {The lady of the lake}, author: {Sir Walter Scott}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL52421W, title: {Rosmersholm}, author: {Henrik Ibsen}, first_publish_year: {1886} } @Work{OL44840W, title: {The letters of Charles Lamb}, author: {Charles Lamb}, first_publish_year: {1837} } @Work{OL1144819W, title: {The dream of Gerontius}, author: {John Henry Newman}, first_publish_year: {1865} } @Work{OL4429568W, title: {The Amateur Army}, author: {Patrick MacGill}, first_publish_year: {1915} } @Work{OL14862658W, title: {The idler}, author: {Samuel Johnson}, first_publish_year: {1761} } @Author{OL21070A, name: {Samuel Johnson}, birth_date: {18 September 1709} , death_date: {13 December 1784} }