@Work{OL2718328W, title: {The Outsiders}, author: {S. E. Hinton and Jim Fyfe and Jodi Picoult}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL103134W, title: {The Martian Chronicles}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, first_publish_year: {1950} } @Work{OL17365W, title: {2001}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL15854658W, title: {Black Beauty}, author: {Anna Sewell}, first_publish_year: {1877} } @Work{OL63985W, title: {The Legend of Sleepy Hollow}, author: {Washington Irving}, first_publish_year: {1864} } @Work{OL1970123W, title: {Freddy the detective}, author: {Walter R. Brooks}, first_publish_year: {1932} } @Work{OL8683828W, title: {Jason and the Argonauts}, author: {Menelaos Stephanides}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL17821672W, title: {The 13 clocks and the wonderful O}, author: {James Thurber}, first_publish_year: {1975} } @Work{OL2904460W, title: {Korean Tales}, author: {Horace Newton Allen}, first_publish_year: {1889} } @Author{OL442421A, name: {Horace Newton Allen}, birth_date: {1858} , death_date: {1932} }