@Work{OL880201W, title: {Essay concerning human understanding}, author: {John Locke}, first_publish_year: {1689} } @Work{OL15144788W, title: {Tartuffe}, author: {Molière}, first_publish_year: {1707} } @Work{OL93569W, title: {A treatise of human nature}, author: {David Hume and Ernest C. Mossner}, first_publish_year: {1739} } @Work{OL15330324W, title: {On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life}, author: {Charles Darwin}, first_publish_year: {1860} } @Work{OL15685552W, title: {An enquiry concerning human understanding}, author: {David Hume}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL93568W, title: {Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion}, author: {David Hume}, first_publish_year: {1779} } @Work{OL16790975W, title: {Reflections on the Revolution in France}, author: {Edmund Burke}, first_publish_year: {1792} } @Author{OL2658712A, name: {Edmund Burke}, birth_date: {1729} , death_date: {1797} }