@Book{OL4874455M, title: {Meridian}, author: {Alice Walker}, publisher: {Harcourt Brace Jovanovich}, year: {1976}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL8738536M, title: {Vanity Fair}, author: {William Makepeace Thackery}, publisher: {Wordsworth Editions Limited}, year: {1993}, } @Book{OL3566272M, title: {Mr. Darcy's daughters}, author: {Elizabeth Aston}, publisher: {Touchstone}, year: {2003}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24240506M, title: {Murder on the Orient Express}, author: {Agatha Christie}, publisher: {Berkley Books}, year: {1961}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL34738M, title: {Secrets of the flesh}, author: {Judith Thurman}, publisher: {Knopf}, year: {1999}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24202535M, title: {By the pricking of my thumbs}, author: {Agatha Christie}, publisher: {Dodd, Mead}, year: {1968}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7966025M, title: {Bleak House}, author: {Charles Dickens}, publisher: {Heinemann (Txt)}, year: {1991}, } @Book{OL24951022M, title: {Speedboat}, author: {Renata Adler}, publisher: {Popular Library}, year: {1978}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL4092675W, title: {Friday's Child}, author: {Georgette Heyer}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Work{OL106082W, title: {The Third Man}, author: {Graham Greene}, first_publish_year: {1935} } @Work{OL79636W, title: {Sleeping Arrangements}, author: {Madeleine Wickham and Sophie Kinsella}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL79637W, title: {The Wedding Girl}, author: {Madeleine Wickham}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL86343W, title: {A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man}, author: {James Joyce}, first_publish_year: {1818} } @Work{OL39349W, title: {Mrs. Dalloway}, author: {Virginia Woolf}, first_publish_year: {1925} } @Work{OL8202750W, title: {The Enchanted April}, author: {Elizabeth von Arnim and Margaret Ripy and Margaret Tarner and Ulrich Baer}, first_publish_year: {1922} } @Work{OL17449W, title: {King Solomon's Mines}, author: {H. Rider Haggard}, first_publish_year: {1885} } @Work{OL1104332W, title: {Sybil, or, The Two Nations}, author: {Benjamin Disraeli}, first_publish_year: {1830} } @Work{OL4092682W, title: {April Lady}, author: {Georgette Heyer}, first_publish_year: {1957} } @Work{OL6617511W, title: {The new woman and the Victorian novel}, author: {Gail Cunningham}, first_publish_year: {1978} } @Work{OL5730768W, title: {Confessions of a Shopaholic, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan, and Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic Series, Books 1, 2, \& 3)}, author: {Sophie Kinsella}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL6346461W, title: {Images of women in literature}, author: {Mary Anne Ferguson}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL2915268W, title: {Diary of a Nobody}, author: {George Grossmith}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL2748767W, title: {Daughters and rebels}, author: {Jessica Mitford}, first_publish_year: {1960} } @Work{OL5730760W, title: {Twenties Girl}, author: {Sophie Kinsella}, first_publish_year: {2009} } @Work{OL5735852W, title: {Mr. Darcy's Daughters}, author: {Elizabeth Aston}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL98585W, title: {The Custom of the Country}, author: {Edith Wharton}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL2914692W, title: {Friends in High Places}, author: {Donna Leon}, first_publish_year: {2000} } @Work{OL80512W, title: {A year in Provence}, author: {Peter Mayle}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL17060254W, title: {Don't Ask Me Why}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL4912537W, title: {Illyrian spring}, author: {Ann Bridge}, first_publish_year: {1935} } @Author{OL1053294A, name: {Ann Bridge}, birth_date: {1889} , death_date: {1974} }