@Work{OL61982W, title: {Ὀδύσσεια}, author: {Όμηρος (Homer)}, first_publish_year: {1488} } @Work{OL683272W, title: {Idylls}, author: {Theocritus and Richard Hunter}, first_publish_year: {1545} } @Work{OL61981W, title: {The Iliad of Homer}, author: {Όμηρος (Homer)}, first_publish_year: {1505} } @Work{OL15292640W, title: {Metamorphoses}, author: {Ovid}, first_publish_year: {1479} } @Work{OL15207978W, title: {Divina Commedia}, author: {Dante Alighieri and Josep Maria de Sagarra}, first_publish_year: {1484} } @Work{OL10306670W, title: {Trojan Women}, author: {Euripides}, first_publish_year: {1575} } @Work{OL47155W, title: {Aeneidos}, author: {Publius Vergilius Maro and Jane Harriman Hall and Alexander Gordon McKay}, first_publish_year: {1517} } @Work{OL15369501W, title: {Gedichte}, author: {Johann Wolfgang von Goethe}, first_publish_year: {1700} } @Work{OL989274W, title: {The bride of Corinth, and other poems \& plays}, author: {Anatole France}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Author{OL91522A, name: {Anatole France}, birth_date: {16 April 1844} , death_date: {12 October 1924} }