@Book{OL6755314M, title: {The dialogues of Plato}, author: {Πλάτων}, publisher: {Hearst's International Library Co.}, year: {1914}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24785986M, title: {Adventures of Don Quixote}, author: {Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra}, publisher: {Dutton}, year: {1921}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL23302683M, title: {Hamlet}, author: {William Shakespeare}, publisher: {University Society}, year: {1901}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL23377617M, title: {Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha}, author: {Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra}, publisher: {G. Routledge}, year: {1858}, place: {London}, } @Work{OL66534W, title: {Northanger Abbey}, author: {Jane Austen}, first_publish_year: {1818} } @Work{OL61982W, title: {Ὀδύσσεια}, author: {Όμηρος (Homer)}, first_publish_year: {1488} } @Work{OL45310W, title: {Robinson Crusoe}, author: {Daniel Defoe}, first_publish_year: {1719} } @Work{OL13703833W, title: {Poetics}, author: {Aristotle and Leon Golden and O. B. Hardison}, first_publish_year: {1536} } @Work{OL61981W, title: {The Iliad of Homer}, author: {Όμηρος (Homer)}, first_publish_year: {1505} } @Work{OL38285W, title: {The Elements of Style}, author: {William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL531767W, title: {The Canterbury Tales}, author: {Geoffrey Chaucer and John E. Cunningham}, first_publish_year: {1478} } @Work{OL26384W, title: {The prelude}, author: {William Wordsworth}, first_publish_year: {1850} } @Work{OL1563119W, title: {Theophrasti Characteres}, author: {Theophrastus}, first_publish_year: {1628} } @Work{OL15100036W, title: {The Dialogues of Plato / The Seventh Letter}, author: {Πλάτων}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL15290407W, title: {Night thoughts}, author: {Edward Young}, first_publish_year: {1742} } @Work{OL1330666W, title: {Literary studies}, author: {Walter Bagehot}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL6605122W, title: {Studies in the history of ideas}, author: {Columbia University. Dept. of Philosophy.}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL13074268W, title: {The general principles of language}, author: {Thomas Jaffray Robertson}, first_publish_year: {1864} } @Author{OL5977612A, name: {Thomas Jaffray Robertson}, birth_date: {1804} , death_date: {1866} }