@Book{OL7090039M, title: {The philosophy of disenchantment}, author: {Edgar Saltus}, publisher: {Houghton, Mifflin and company}, year: {1887}, place: {Boston}, } @Work{OL15314568W, title: {Summa Theologica}, author: {Thomas Aquinas and Kennedy, Daniel Joseph, 1862-1930}, first_publish_year: {1467} } @Work{OL99844W, title: {Kritik der reinen Vernunft}, author: {Immanuel Kant}, first_publish_year: {1781} } @Work{OL60358W, title: {Common Sense}, author: {Thomas Paine}, first_publish_year: {1776} } @Work{OL15947320W, title: {Happiness}, author: {Bent Greve}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL15921523W, title: {The structures of love}, author: {James Penney}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL15980411W, title: {Yoga-- philosophy for everyone}, author: {Liz Stillwaggon Swan}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL16699859W, title: {Faith, rationality, and the passions}, author: {Sarah Coakley}, first_publish_year: {2013} } @Work{OL16117522W, title: {Exploring philosophy}, author: {Steven M. Cahn}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL168125W, title: {Science and sanity}, author: {Alfred Korzybski}, first_publish_year: {1933} } @Author{OL2210794A, name: {Alfred Korzybski}, birth_date: {1879} , death_date: {1950} }