@Book{OL9665211M, title: {The Orchard}, author: {Charles L. Grant}, publisher: {Tor Books}, year: {1986}, } @Book{OL7768749M, title: {The Manitou}, author: {Graham Masterton and Robert G. Slade}, publisher: {Pinnacle Books}, year: {1976}, } @Book{OL1430856M, title: {Sleep, baby, sleep}, author: {Jessica Auerbach}, publisher: {Putnam}, year: {1994}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24376079M, title: {The door to December}, author: {Dean Koontz}, publisher: {Signet/Viking/Penguin}, year: {1985}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL8241139M, title: {The Breeder}, author: {Edward A. Kelleher and Harriette Vidal}, publisher: {Banner of Truth}, year: {1987}, } @Work{OL4294218W, title: {Shadoweyes}, author: {Kathryn Ptacek}, first_publish_year: {1984} } @Work{OL1840350W, title: {The Nameless}, author: {Ramsey Campbell}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL5107490W, title: {Sleep}, author: {Lynn Biederstadt}, first_publish_year: {1986} } @Work{OL3593297W, title: {The Lake}, author: {Ruby Jean Jensen}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL1684378W, title: {Something stirs}, author: {Charles L. Grant}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL1684402W, title: {Raven}, author: {Charles L. Grant}, first_publish_year: {1993} } @Work{OL16048084W, title: {House of illusions}, author: {Ruby Jean Jensen}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL3946675W, title: {Supernatural fiction for teens}, author: {Cosette N. Kies}, first_publish_year: {1987} } @Work{OL3591982W, title: {Someone's Watching}, author: {Andrew Neiderman}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL3590831W, title: {Revenge of the Dolls}, author: {Carol Beach York}, first_publish_year: {1979} } @Work{OL8047847W, title: {Ghost house}, author: {Clare McNally}, first_publish_year: {1979} } @Work{OL497179W, title: {The Face}, author: {Dean Koontz}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL8126201W, title: {Winter Wake}, author: {Rick Hautala}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL4467984W, title: {Hobgoblin}, author: {John Coyne}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL1838872W, title: {House Of Echoes}, author: {Barbara Erskine}, first_publish_year: {1996} } @Work{OL16035867W, title: {Nightmare house}, author: {Douglas Clegg}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Work{OL803651W, title: {Demon Night}, author: {J. Michael Straczynski}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL16476746W, title: {The evil one}, author: {J. N. Williamson}, first_publish_year: {1982} } @Work{OL8160895W, title: {Programmed for Terror}, author: {B.W. Battin}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Work{OL8160893W, title: {THE BOOGEYMAN (Fawcett Gold Medal Book)}, author: {B.W. Battin}, first_publish_year: {1984} } @Work{OL3472619W, title: {Vessel}, author: {John Tigges}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL5807112W, title: {Family inheritance}, author: {Deborah LeBlanc}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Work{OL9177350W, title: {Victoria}, author: {Ruby Jean Jensen}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Work{OL15398319W, title: {Madonna}, author: {Ed Kelleher}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Work{OL3491800W, title: {Bloodsisters}, author: {John Russo}, first_publish_year: {1982} } @Work{OL15552896W, title: {The Brownstone}, author: {Ken Eulo}, first_publish_year: {1980} } @Work{OL5256819W, title: {Letters From the Dead}, author: {Campbell Black}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Author{OL1188285A, name: {Campbell Black}, birth_date: {25 February 1944} , death_date: {1 March 2013} }