@Book{OL7384029M, title: {The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories}, author: {Henry James}, publisher: {Oxford University Press, USA}, year: {1998}, } @Work{OL2895538W, title: {In a glass darkly}, author: {Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu}, first_publish_year: {1872} } @Work{OL85892W, title: {Dracula}, author: {Bram Stoker}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL937096W, title: {The woman in black}, author: {Susan Hill}, first_publish_year: {1984} } @Work{OL15220454W, title: {The Monk}, author: {Matthew Gregory Lewis}, first_publish_year: {1794} } @Author{OL4365747A, name: {Matthew Gregory Lewis}, birth_date: {9 July 1775} , death_date: {14 May 1818} }