@Book{OL24388849M, title: {Bury my heart at Wounded Knee}, author: {Dee Alexander Brown}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1972}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL487272W, title: {De la démocratie en Amérique}, author: {Alexis de Tocqueville and Eduardo Nolla}, first_publish_year: {1835} } @Work{OL75366W, title: {The writings of George Washington}, author: {George Washington}, first_publish_year: {1833} } @Work{OL60358W, title: {Common Sense}, author: {Thomas Paine}, first_publish_year: {1776} } @Work{OL63991W, title: {Life of George Washington}, author: {Washington Irving}, first_publish_year: {1850} } @Work{OL2556046W, title: {The ideas that have influenced civilization, in the original documents}, author: {Oliver J. Thatcher}, first_publish_year: {1901} } @Work{OL1535782W, title: {Memoirs of John Quincy Adams}, author: {John Quincy Adams}, first_publish_year: {1874} } @Work{OL7738271W, title: {League of nations}, author: {Alfred Owen Crozier}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Author{OL2403811A, name: {Alfred Owen Crozier}, birth_date: {1863} }