@Work{OL138052W, title: {Alice's Adventures in Wonderland}, author: {Lewis Carroll}, first_publish_year: {1865} } @Work{OL59863W, title: {The Dispossessed}, author: {Ursula K. Le Guin}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL13992W, title: {Lord of Light}, author: {Roger Zelazny}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL14871904W, title: {The Fifth Head Of Cerberus}, author: {Gene Wolfe}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL53908W, title: {Adventures of Huckleberry Finn}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1876} } @Work{OL24034W, title: {Treasure Island}, author: {Robert Louis Stevenson}, first_publish_year: {1880} } @Work{OL2172433W, title: {A Scanner Darkly}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1977} } @Work{OL259010W, title: {A Midsummer Night's Dream}, author: {William Shakespeare and Guillermo Macpherson and Cristina Navarro Muñoz and Eduardo Zamanillo and Antoni Laveda and Ángel Pareja}, first_publish_year: {1600} } @Work{OL3290731W, title: {Last and First Men}, author: {Olaf Stapledon}, first_publish_year: {1930} } @Work{OL3290739W, title: {Star Maker}, author: {Olaf Stapledon}, first_publish_year: {1937} } @Work{OL59704W, title: {The moon is a harsh mistress}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1965} } @Work{OL54951W, title: {Life during wartime}, author: {Lucius Shepard}, first_publish_year: {1987} } @Work{OL2071382W, title: {Emphyrio}, author: {Jack Vance and Matt Hughes}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Work{OL16027965W, title: {The Demolished Man}, author: {Alfred Bester}, first_publish_year: {1951} } @Work{OL17403W, title: {The fountains of paradise}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1978} } @Work{OL2172518W, title: {Flow my tears, the policeman said}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL21868175W, title: {Study Guide}, author: {SuperSummary}, first_publish_year: {2017} } @Work{OL21868175W, title: {Study Guide}, author: {SuperSummary}, first_publish_year: {2017} } @Work{OL515754W, title: {Flowers for Algernon}, author: {Daniel Keyes}, first_publish_year: {1966} } @Work{OL81605W, title: {Danse Macabre}, author: {Stephen King}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL2172454W, title: {Ubik}, author: {Philip K. Dick and Anthony Heald and Martí Sales and Adrià Fruitós}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Work{OL2172519W, title: {Now Wait for Last Year}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1966} } @Work{OL8193465W, title: {A Tale of Two Cities}, author: {Charles Dickens}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL2172356W, title: {Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL271163W, title: {The Forever War}, author: {Joe Haldeman and Marvano and Edith Zilli and Patrick Imbert}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL2321336W, title: {Earth abides}, author: {George Rippey Stewart}, first_publish_year: {1949} } @Work{OL59858W, title: {The Lathe of Heaven}, author: {Ursula K. Le Guin}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL2172408W, title: {Martian Time Slip}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1964} } @Work{OL53404W, title: {A Case of Conscience}, author: {James Blish}, first_publish_year: {1958} } @Work{OL1819353W, title: {The Stars My Destination}, author: {Alfred Bester}, first_publish_year: {1956} } @Work{OL104514W, title: {Grass}, author: {Sheri S. Tepper}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL17417W, title: {Rendezvous with Rama}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL261853W, title: {The Centauri device}, author: {M. John Harrison}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL510405W, title: {Ringworld}, author: {Larry Niven}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL1960643W, title: {The Book of Skulls}, author: {Robert Silverberg}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL1960368W, title: {Downward to Earth}, author: {Robert Silverberg}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL1960371W, title: {DYING INSIDE (Del Rey Books)}, author: {Robert Silverberg and Stefan Rudnicki}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL16518W, title: {Eon}, author: {Greg Bear and Stefan Rudnicki}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Work{OL16513W, title: {Blood Music}, author: {Greg Bear and George Guidall}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Work{OL108288W, title: {Timescape}, author: {Gregory Benford and Pete Bradbury and Simon Prebble}, first_publish_year: {1980} } @Work{OL24148837W, title: {Mockingbird}, author: {Walter S. 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Dick}, first_publish_year: {1964} } @Work{OL1920281W, title: {The child garden, or, A low comedy}, author: {Geoff Ryman}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL14868317W, title: {More Than Human}, author: {Theodore Sturgeon}, first_publish_year: {1953} } @Work{OL60924W, title: {Gateway}, author: {Frederik Pohl}, first_publish_year: {1977} } @Work{OL2697660W, title: {Behold the Man}, author: {Michael Moorcock}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL2172502W, title: {Dr. Bloodmoney}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL506264W, title: {Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang}, author: {Kate Wilhelm}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL3288661W, title: {Pavane}, author: {Keith Roberts}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL2172524W, title: {Valis}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL2172517W, title: {The Simulacra}, author: {Philip K. Dick and Dick Hill}, first_publish_year: {1964} } @Work{OL2172402W, title: {The three stigmata of Palmer Eldritch}, author: {Philip K. Dick and Luke Daniels}, first_publish_year: {1965} } @Work{OL98485W, title: {The Sirens of Titan}, author: {Kurt Vonnegut}, first_publish_year: {1959} } @Work{OL2172523W, title: {Time out of joint}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1959} } @Work{OL60942W, title: {Jem}, author: {Frederik Pohl}, first_publish_year: {1979} } @Work{OL56833W, title: {Nova}, author: {Samuel R. Delany}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL2697616W, title: {The End of All Songs}, author: {Michael Moorcock}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL2745976W, title: {The Drowned World}, author: {J. G. Ballard}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL56834W, title: {Babel-17}, author: {Samuel R. Delany}, first_publish_year: {1966} } @Work{OL3521966W, title: {Stand on Zanzibar}, author: {John Brunner}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL53400W, title: {Cities in Flight}, author: {James Blish}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL60943W, title: {The Space Merchants}, author: {Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL892520W, title: {Non-Stop}, author: {Brian W. Aldiss}, first_publish_year: {1958} } @Work{OL19546464W, title: {Dark Benediction (S.F. Masterworks)}, author: {Walter M. Miller Jr.}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL2172352W, title: {A maze of death}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL8260925W, title: {The Complete Roderick}, author: {John Sladek}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Work{OL3535584W, title: {The Rediscovery of Man}, author: {Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Author{OL1275209A, name: {Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger}, birth_date: {1913} , death_date: {1966} }