@Book{OL28129603M, title: {Bernardo de Gálvez}, author: {Carlos Canales and Miguel del Rey}, publisher: {Edaf}, year: {2015}, place: {Madrid, Spain}, } @Book{OL9844673M, title: {Claves para entender la guerra}, author: {Raúl Sohr}, publisher: {Grijalbo Mondadori}, year: {2003}, place: {Santiago, Chile}, } @Book{OL37807012M, title: {Las guerras de los drones}, author: {Medea Benjamin}, publisher: {Anagrama}, year: {2014}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL46129719M, title: {Origins of the Just War}, author: {Rory Cox}, publisher: {Princeton University Press}, year: {2023}, place: {Princeton}, } @Book{OL29038659M, title: {Breve historia de la batalla de Trafalgar}, author: {Luis E. 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Brower and Steven L. Canby}, publisher: {Air University Press}, year: {1994}, place: {Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala}, } @Book{OL16275970M, title: {Guerra y filosofía}, author: {José García Caneiro and Francisco Javier Vidarte}, publisher: {Tirant lo Blanch}, year: {2002}, place: {Valencia}, } @Book{OL16802121M, title: {Una guerra romántica, 1778-1783}, author: {Juan Alsina Torrente}, publisher: {Ministerio de Defensa}, year: {2006}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL39809137M, title: {Breve historia de las guerras de los Estados Unidos (1898-2020)}, author: {Óscar Corcoba Fernández and Jorge Martínez López}, publisher: {Nowtilus}, year: {2021}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL19408543M, title: {La racionalidad de la guerra}, author: {José García Caneiro}, publisher: {Biblioteca Nueva}, year: {2000}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL24995213M, title: {What It Is Like to Go to War}, author: {Karl Marlantes}, publisher: {Atlantic Monthly Press}, year: {2011}, } @Book{OL26488720M, title: {De la guerra}, author: {Carl von Clausewitz and F. 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Barker}, publisher: {San Martín}, year: {1979}, place: {Madrid, España}, } @Book{OL30688825M, title: {La guerra de los Seis Días}, author: {Michael B. Oren}, publisher: {RBA Editores}, year: {2005}, place: {Barcelona, España}, } @Book{OL13002234M, title: {Halcones de Malvinas}, author: {Pablo Marcos Carballo}, publisher: {Ediciones Argentinidad}, year: {1985}, } @Book{OL13273842M, title: {Operación Hollywood}, author: {David L. 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Connell}, publisher: {Ariel}, year: {2003}, place: {Barcelona, Spain}, } @Book{OL27645971M, title: {Hermanos de armas}, author: {Larrie D. Ferreiro}, publisher: {Desperta Ferro}, year: {2019}, } @Book{OL26381659M, title: {El año I de la Revolución rusa}, author: {Victor Serge}, publisher: {Traficantes de Sueños}, year: {2017}, place: {Madrid, Spain}, } @Author{OL2454612A, name: {Victor Serge}, birth_date: {30 Dec 1890} , death_date: {17 Nov 1947} }