@Book{OL9151965M, title: {Public Space, Two Audiences}, author: {Diedrich Diederichsen and Manuel Borja-Villel and Anton Herbert and Hans-Joachim Muller and Peter Pakesch and Anne Rorimer}, publisher: {Walther Konig, Cologne}, year: {2006}, } @Work{OL833859W, title: {Fernand Léger}, author: {Fernand Léger}, first_publish_year: {1945} } @Work{OL980214W, title: {Art and visual perception}, author: {Rudolf Arnheim}, first_publish_year: {1954} } @Work{OL30153W, title: {Kandinsky}, author: {Wassily Kandinsky}, first_publish_year: {1947} } @Work{OL29921W, title: {Art history}, author: {Marilyn Stokstad and Margaret A. Oppenheimer}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL16920902W, title: {L'art}, author: {Cyril Morana}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL1160088W, title: {The Philosophy of Modern Art}, author: {Herbert Edward Read}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL1160095W, title: {The meaning of art}, author: {Herbert Edward Read}, first_publish_year: {1931} } @Work{OL1227093W, title: {Matisse}, author: {Henri Matisse}, first_publish_year: {1943} } @Work{OL15236125W, title: {Chto takoe iskusstvo? / What is art?}, author: {Лев Толстой}, first_publish_year: {1898} } @Work{OL16979668W, title: {What is a picture?}, author: {Michael Newall}, first_publish_year: {2011} } @Work{OL16982358W, title: {Art and the city}, author: {Nicolas Whybrow}, first_publish_year: {2011} } @Work{OL3008039W, title: {Artist and audience}, author: {Terence Grieder}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Work{OL16957785W, title: {Art history}, author: {Marilyn Stokstad}, first_publish_year: {2011} } @Author{OL26660A, name: {Marilyn Stokstad}, birth_date: {1929} }